A Partnership of U.S. Federal, State and Tribal Fish and Wildlife Agencies with support from the Association of Fish & Wildlife Agencies Shared solutions to protect shared values 1 Photos: Chase Fountain, James Jordan, George Andrejko
National Fish, Wildlife and Plants Climate Adaptation Strategy A framework for coordinated action by multiple partners to reduce risks and impacts of climate change on U.S. natural resources and the people that depend on them. 2
Strategy Development Response to: 1.Impacts to resources we depend on 2.Respond to calls for action 3.Need for coordination Led by FWS, NOAA, & the States 1.Intergovernmental Steering Committee 2.Management Team 3.Technical Teams 3
Linkages with Other Efforts The NFWPCAS builds on and complements existing efforts by federal, state, tribal and other entities 4 Federal Adaptation Plans National Climate Assessment Fresh- water Action Plan National Ocean Policy Fish Wildlife & Plants Strategy internati o nal nation- wide regional state local
Strategy Release – Final Strategy Released – Federal Register Announcement – Notification to partners and stakeholders 5
Reactions and Impacts High media interest Website traffic Conference presentations Two public webinars
Strategy Implementation 1. Five to ten-year time horizon 2. Agencies and partners incorporate appropriate elements of Strategy in their plans and actions 3. Intergovernmental Working Group to Promote Implementation Result: Effective, well coordinated action by many partners at across scales that increases resiliency and adaptation 7
Goals of the Strategy 1. Conserve and connect habitat 2. Manage species and habitats 3. Enhance management capacity 4. Support adaptive management 5. Increase knowledge and information 6. Increase awareness and motivate action 7. Reduce non-climate stressors 8 7 Goals 22 strategies 100+ actions Progress Lists Case studies
What You do is Really Important 9 1. Closest thing to geographically/taxonomically complete systematic conservation planning in U.S. 2.Reviewed at reasonable interval (10 yrs) 3.Most appropriate level of government to influence local/regional land use planning and decision-making 4.Demonstrated ability to target funding (public and private) to the right places 5.Continued relevance requires treating climate change 6.Consistency = power
Strategies: 1. Identify priority conservation areas 2. Protect these areas to build network 3. Restore habitat for resilience 4. Improve ecological connections 10 Role for State Wildlife Action Plans: 1. Identify priority conservation areas 2. Identify priority restoration areas 2. Identify priority connectivity needs/areas
Strategies 1. Update species and habitat plans 2. Apply climate-smart management 3. Conserve genetic diversity 11 Role for Action Plans Biggest species/habitat plan of all #1 Role model for other plans Integrate climate change in revision
Strategies 1. Increase professional capacity 2. Facilitate coordinated response 3. Review legal and policy frameworks 4. Optimize use of funding programs 12 Role for Action Plans Integrate individual agency programs Within state Within region (via LCCs, etc.)
Strategies 1. Slow and reverse habitat loss 2. Reduce ecosystem degradation 3. Address threats of invasive species 4. Reduce destructive capture practices 13 Role for Action Plans 1. Support 7.1 by identifying spatially explicit conservation priority areas
Action Plans AND LCCs 14 Major role for LCCs in implementation as “convener” Major role for action plans as “pilot”
Partners: Washington Department of Fish & Wildlife, Bureau of Indian Affairs, Animal & Plant Health Inspection Service, U.S. Department of Defense, Bureau of Land Management, Bureau of Reclamation, Northwest Indian Fisheries Commission, National Park Service, California Department of Fish & Game, Council on Environmental Quality, U.S. Geological Survey, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission, Natural Resources Conservation Service, New York, Division of Fish, Wildlife & Marine Resources, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Farm Service Agency, Tulalip Tribe, U.S. Forest Service, Great Lakes Indian Fish & Wildlife Commission, Georgia Department of Natural Resources, Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission, West Virginia Division of Natural Resources, Maryland Department of Natural Resources, Wildlife and Heritage Service, Massachusetts Division of Fisheries and Wildlife, Yakama Nation, Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources, California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection, Texas Parks and Wildlife Department, New Jersey Division of Fish and Wildlife, Nevada Department of Wildlife, Oregon Department of State Lands, Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission, Miccosukee Tribe, Columbia Intertribal Fish Commission, Connecticut Department of Environmental Protection Inland Fisheries Division, Passamaquoddy Tribe at Pleasant Point Shared solutions to protect shared values 15 Photos: Chase Fountain, James Jordan, George Andrejko
Shared solutions to protect shared values 16 Photos: Chuck Olsen, Tom Woodward, Jane Pellicciotto, Lynette Schimming