Department of Social Protection, Ireland Dr. Lucy Fallon-Byrne April 2013
Department of Social Protection is undertaking a four year transformation programme … 2011 2015
Context: Launch of new integrated service … Our fist job though is to engage with the people of the live register and to work with them to help them, build their capabilities and put their best foot forward. – And that job is at the heart of the new intreo service. - Where unemployed people are seen as clients not supplicants, where our role in the Dept is seen as service not bureaucracy and in which the relationship between us is based on a social contract of rights and responsbilities. We will pay people an income support, we will help them to get back on their feet, we will, with your help, introdcue them to prospective employer but in return they have to keep their side of the bargain and work with us as we help them to help themselves, they must prepare a personal progression plan, they must attend regular meetings with us, they must take up any reasonable offer of training, or work placement - otherwise their payment will be reduced or even stopped.
Context Major transformation programme underway Integration of services and merger of three separate organisations Pathways to work, ambitious policy agenda Unprecedented increase in demand for Department’s services New integrated and enlarged organisation of 7,000 staff Staff Survey: Engagement and involvement key elements of the action plan in response to the staff survey Engagement workshop : programme based on recommendations from one-day workshop Organisational change and development programme Engagement and innovation programme Culture and values review
Culture and Values Review Review and clarify the organisation’s values and culture Identify and agree core values Understand and define our culture Put the organisation’s core values at the heart of everything we do Our shared beliefs and values that guide the way we think and behave The personality and character of the organisation What we do when nobody is looking
The culture iceberg Trust Commitment Discretionary effort Transfer of functions Change agenda the tip of the iceberg Public sector reform Transformation agenda Integration of service Transformation news Transformation seminars Culture change Discretionary effort Engagement Local knowledge Well-being Pride Involvement Trust Acceptance of change Ideas Internalising change Partnership Commitment Local initiatives Empowerment Respect Innovation Tacit knowledge Job satisfaction 6 6
Objectives Culture which engages and empowers staff Commitment to change innovation and improved customer service Achieve benefits for staff, customers and the DSP organisation
Engagement and Innovation Overwhelming evidence : some examples Empowerment: Multiple studies linking empowerment-enhancing strategies with improved organisational performance including innovation performance (Spreitzer, 1995; Conway and McMackin, 1997; Read, 2000; Black and Lynch, 2004; Lynch, 2007; McLeod and Clarke, 2009; Subramony, 2009). Spreitzer (1995) conceptualises empowerment as constituting four dimensions ability, autonomy, impact and significance, the first reflecting ability and the latter three reflecting opportunity Positive relationships: Overwhelming evidence that positive relationships and encouragement from managers are very important elements of innovation climate (James and James, 1989; Amabile, 1993; Anderson and West, 1998; Shipton et al., 2006; Patterson et al., 2005; Hunter et al., 2007). Energy and vigour: Positive relationships also create greater levels of energy and vigour in organisations (Spreitzer and Sutcliffe, 2007). Vigour and dynamism are very closely linked and this allows for greater adjustment to rapid change and innovation (Bruch and Ghoshal, 2003; Cross et al., 2003).
Working Model Engagement inputs Commitment and involvement of staff Benefits / Outcomes Staff, customers and DSP Empower Communicate Commitment Effort Change and innovation Improved work experience Enable Wellbeing and job satisfaction Encourage Engagement Enjoyment Creativity Improved customer service
Engagement and Innovation Structures
Strategic Leadership Team (SLT) Provides leadership and direction Oversight and evaluation role to ensure Programme adds value Chaired by the Secretary General 5 Management Representatives 8 Union Representatives 3 staff members
Regional Leadership Teams (RLTs) Headquarter Leadership Teams (HLTs) Provide a focus for engagement and innovation activities at Regional and HQ level. Sets up regional projects and/or nominate projects at a divisional, HQ and local level. Chaired by Assistant Secretaries covering Dublin/Leinster, South/East, North/West, HQ Client Facing, HQ Support Services, HQ Policy Areas
Project Leadership Teams (PLTs) Operate in divisions, local offices, sections and policy areas. Focus on business, innovation and staffing. Project-based and time bound. Project topics – nominated by DM/PO or by the Regional Leadership Team/Headquarter team
Next Steps……….. Continue communication with all staff and put information on STÓR intranet site
Question ? ‘To a substantial degree, managers now “get it” and do not have to be persuaded that the quality with which they manage the workforce has strategic impact.’ (Becker & Huselid, 2006)