Objectives Meet the Executive Board SNMA- History and Significance UCCOM SNMA- Goals and Objectives for Upcoming Events and Projects
SNMA Executive Board Ali Azad Co-President Danisa Clarrett Co-President Avanté Roberts Vice President Stacey Williamson Secretary Sheila Boateng Treasurer Nancy Fru Social Chair Sindhu Ravipati Historian Sam Kim Webmaster Sung Kim MAPS Chair Sam Mukasa MAPS Chair
EndZone Tutoring Meet your chairs: Andrew RogersDavid CalderheadVai Manickam
SNMA is… committed to supporting current and future underrepresented minority medical students and increasing the number of clinically excellent, culturally competent and socially conscious physicians. dedicated to reducing morbidity and mortality in under- served communities These communities may currently constitute the minority of the overall population but make up the majority of individuals struggling to maintain good health
SNMA is not… a “black club” only for minorities exclusive a social club
These patients have the same condition, but their treatment may be different We want to make sure that our physicians are more likely to: Work in medically underserved areas Address issues of minority health in practice and research Provide language and culturally competent care Play a key role in ending racial disparities in healthcare
AND… we know how to have fun!
UCCOM SNMA Goals & Objectives Increase service to local, national, and global community Collaborate with other student organizations Continue recruitment and retention of underrepresented minority students Raise funds
EndZone Club Tutoring Tutoring for middle school and high school children in Cincinnati Tutoring Sessions held once a week at UCCOM starting in SEPTEMBER Mr. Foster is the coordinator for the tutoring sessions
Other community Service! Habitat for Humanity 6 th Annual Cincinnati Walks for Kids on Saturday, October 15 th (10am-1pm) Christmas Toy Drive
Class of 2015…We Need YOU! New exec board position: Community Service Representative Please if you’re interested.
What we did last year! Awareness posters / red ribbons Condom – grams Documentary at lunch Infectious Disease doctors – Dinner Talk Lunch Talk with adolescent AIDS doctor Lunch discussion on mental health and HIV HIV/AIDS IvaDean Benefit Concert
Black/Minority History Month Our way of honoring underrepresented minorities who have made a significant contribution to medicine & society February 2012 Informational Display Movie Night Happy Hour Community Service Cultural Potluck Banquet UCCOM’s own Dr. Charles Collins along with our 2011 keynote speaker Dr. Denise Davis and her husband Dr. Keevin Davis at the Black History Month Banquet
UCCOM SNMA Date Auction This is still a work in progress Tentatively schedule sometime in April
Minority Professional Network Maintain contacts with Diversity/Minority student groups in other professional colleges on campus o Nursing o Law o Pharmacy o Social Work o Engineering Community Professionals Attend Meetings Social Events Community Events
Recruitment We attend recruitment fairs around the country along with the Dean of Diversity and Community Affairs, Dr. Charles Collins Encourage and counsel aspiring medical students
Undergraduate version of SNMA MAPS chapters are located at over 150 undergraduate institutions across the country UC-SNMA oversees the MAPS chapters at UC, Xavier University and Miami University (OH) Minority Association for Premedical Students (MAPS)
LET’S MAKE SNMA BETTER THIS YEAR!!! We need new ideas AND more people! We Need You!
Benefits of Local Membership Scholarships Academic Resources Leadership Community Service Networking AND….
Benefits of National Membership Fee: $100 for 4 years membership Attend National Conference in ATLANTA!!!!!!!! Scholarships DISCOUNTS! Kaplan, car rentals, hotels, etc. Automatic membership with Global Health Council (BOGO) International Medical Missions Subscription to Journal of Student National Medical Association
Regional Leadership Institute and Picnic September 3 rd : Michigan State University College of Human Medicine in Lansing, MI Picnic / Social Event WHY? Great way to meet other students from different medical schools!
Come out this Friday!!! 6pm: Cactus Pear get to know more of your classmates as well as 2 nd, 3 rd and 4 th years! Eat yummy MEXICAN food and drink delicious margaritas 9pm: Pre-party at Stetson 11pm: Out to Mynt Martini downtown! 3am and beyond: probably Ludlow & Clifton TALK TO ANY SNMA MEMBER ABOUT COMING! WE CAN ALL GO AS A GROUP