Developing CEN Solid biofuel standards and implementation in Finland Key stakeholders workshop 9 March 2011, New Forest, UK Eija Alakangas, senior research.


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Presentation transcript:

Developing CEN Solid biofuel standards and implementation in Finland Key stakeholders workshop 9 March 2011, New Forest, UK Eija Alakangas, senior research scientist VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland

2 16/02/2014 How new standards are developed CEN – European standardisation organisation and ISO – International Standardisation organisation will establish a Technical Committees (TC) for developing standard/s TC has to agree on business plan and working items (draft names of standards) Work is usually divided into working groups (WG) and the leadership and convenor of WG is decided by TC Drafting of standards is done in working groups. Solid biofuels standards were developed under CEN/TC 335 (as of 2000) and ISO/TC 298 (as of 2008), Swedish Standardisation Institute (SIS) acting as the secretariat Countries participating form national mirror committees, which include different stakeholders Mirror committees comment draft standards and vote on them (yes, no or abstain)

3 16/02/2014 Working groups of CEN/TC 335 – Solid biofuels (leading country in brackets) WG 1 – Terminology (Germany) WG 2 – Fuel specification and classes, fuel quality assurance (Finland) WG 3 – Sampling and sample preparation (the Netherlands) WG 4 – Physical and mechanical properties (Sweden) WG 5 – Chemical analysis (the Netherlands) Same WG groups also for ISO/TC 238 except WG2 is divided into two groups: Fuel specification and classes (Finland) Quality assurance (UK) CEN/TC 335 – Working group 2 meeting in Athens September 2008 Convenor Eija Alakangas, VTT Photo: Emmanuelle Scoditti, ENEA

4 16/02/2014 Phases in the development of CEN standards Usually technical specifications (=pre-standard) will be produced in the first phase Development of standards is a long, several years process Main work is done in working groups. Drafting standards Working group Final comments (phase 32) sent by TC WG members and mirror committees Finalising standard Working group Voting UAP (phase 48) CEN Mirror committees (only editorial comments allowed) Publishing (EN, DE, FR) CEN

5 16/02/2014 What are technical specifications contra EN-standards ? Technical specifications (CEN/TS) Are pre-standards and they are in force 3 years after publishing 3 years for testing of these pre-standards Planning procedure is similar to EN standards, time can be shorter You can use national standards at same time CEN/TS´s were published during EN-standards (EN) National standards have to be withdrawn or adapted to EN standard within 6 months after publishing Standards are in force 5 years Upgrading of TS to EN standards was carried out during 2007–2010 Supporting research project BioNorm and BioNormII (

6 16/02/2014 CEN/TC 335 – 40 standards almost ready for markets Terminology – EN (1 standard, published) Fuel specification and classes – EN multipart standard (6 standards, 5 published,1 under voting) Quality assurance – EN multipart standard (6 standards, 1 standard published and 5 under voting) Sampling and sample preparation (EN and EN 14780, published) Physical and mechanical properties, 15 standards (most published) Chemical properties (6 standards published)

7 16/02/2014 Multipart standard EN14961 – fuel specification and classes General requirements – Part 1 (EN :2010) Properties to be specified separately from several property classes For general use (mainly industrial use) Includes classification of raw material Separate product standards (approved, published in March) EN wood pellets for non-industrial use EN – wood briquettes for non-industrial use EN – wood chips for non-industrial use EN – firewood for non-industrial use EN – non-woody pellets for non-industrial use Product standards targeted for small-scale appliances households and small commercial and public sector buildings

8 16/02/2014 Towards international standardised biomass fuels Work is continuing under ISO/TC 238 – international standards (2011 – 2012) CEN standards are used as a basis Also torrefied biomass will be included in Fuel specification - general requirements standard (ISO ) Graded wood pellets will include non-industrial and industrial pellets (ISO ) Raw material will include also aquatic biomass More standards for physical and mechanical properties than in CEN More property information about Asian biomass is added in Fuel specification - general requirements standard

9 16/02/2014 How Finnish stakeholders have participated Finland has own Wood fuel quality guidelines since 1989 for wood chips, bark, sawdust and firewood. Finnish national mirror committee includes representatives of fuel producers, boiler and handling equipment manufacturers. energy utilities, associations, testing organisations and R&D institutes. National meetings are organised twice a year to discuss about the drafts. Note: distribution of draft standards is only allowed to WGs and mirror committees. Most important standards have been translated into Finnish in end of 2010 and beginning of VTT and some big companies have participated in several EU- projects developing standards: EUBIONET II & III ( BioNorm I & II. Quality Wood, and Phydades ( Finland has actively participated in different working groups

10 16/02/2014 Implementation CEN standards in Finland - 1 Standards are voluntary unless stated in national legislation. Promotion of standards have started in end of 2010 in Finland. Finnish Pellet Energy Association (SPE) has joined European Pellet Council, which is introducing ENplus certification system for wood pellets based on EN standard. ENplus certification system will be promoted by IEE project (PellCert). Photo: Metso Power

11 16/02/2014 Implementation CEN standards in Finland - 2 Industry funded R&D project for applying CEN sampling standards has started at VTT. VTT has joined IEE project for implementation of EN standards in Finland (SolidStandards) CEN/TC 335 analysis standards are already used in accredidated laboratories. R&D on wood chips particle size distribution based on particle EN is carried out. VTT has organised two seminars on standards in 2008 and 2009 Calorimetric bomb for net calorif value according to standard EN Photo: ENAS Oy

12 16/02/2014 Actions in Finland in Participation of ISO/TC 238 working groups Translations of CEN standards into Finnish PellCert – ENplus pellet certification for wood pellets SolidStandards – training material, training on wood chips, firewood Application of CEN sampling standards in Finland Finnish International EU

13 16/02/2014 VTT creates business from standards Contact: