Deprecated Elements
Extensions to HTML Browser specific. Proposed revisions to standard. +Powerful presentation tools. −Limited support (or) −Subject to change. Avoid!
Deprecated and Obsolete Deprecated –Being phased out. –Still supported in current browsers. Obsolete –No longer in standard. –Not supported in current or future browsers. DO NOT USE!
Document Types (DOCTYPE) Strict – no deprecated elements – Goal. Transitional – deprecated elements. Frameset – deprecated and frames.
Basics of Lists Types of lists: –Unordered Lists. –Ordered Lists. –Definition Lists. Block-level elements. Be sure to close your lists!
Unordered Lists
Ordered Lists
Definition Lists
Nested Lists
List CSS Properties list-style – marker and position of text. list-style-type –Shape of the marker. –Many options (see book for examples). list-style-position –inside – text wraps inline with the marker. –outside – text is indented from the marker. list-style-image – use image for marker.
Introduction to Tables
Some Uses Organize data – worksheets. Format items on pages. –Side-by-side images. –Side-by-side lists. –Eventually CSS will supplant for these.
Basic Table Structures
CSS and Tables