MaryLynn West-Moynes President Leading and managing culture change.


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Presentation transcript:

MaryLynn West-Moynes President Leading and managing culture change

Organizational culture Change Management / Culture Change Mohawk’s story Your story Agenda

1. We are who we are. 2. We can be who we will be next.

What is organizational culture?

Culture definitions

“The word culture has many meanings and connotations. In talking about organizational culture with colleagues and members of organizations, I often find that we agree ‘it’ exists and is important in its effects but that we have completely different ideas of what the ‘it’ is.” Edgar H. Schein

So what is “it” ? Philosophy that guides an organization’s policy toward employees & customers. The “rule” of the game for getting along. The feeling or climate – physical layout and the way members of the organization interact.

So what is “it” ? Observed behavioral regularities The norms that evolve in working groups (a fair day’s work for a fair day’s pay) Dominant espoused by organization (product quality)

“ I will mean by culture a pattern of basic assumptions - invented, discovered, or developed by a given group as it learns to cope with its problems of external adaptation and internal integration - that has worked well enough to be considered valid and therefore to be taught to new members as the correct way to perceive, think and feel in relation to those problems.”

Common BeliefsValues Action (Strategy) Culture “ Rose Coloured Glasses “

Common BeliefsValues Action (Strategy) Culture Diverging “ Coach Coloured Glasses “

The need to manage change.

An academic driver.

The need to manage organizational change.

The need for cultural change.

Diagnosing and changing organizational culture. 1. Dominate characteristics. 2. Organizational leadership. 3. Management of employees. 4. Organizational glue.

So what ?

Do you know your organization’s culture ?

The need for change. has 2,850 books on innovation Google has 131,000,000 results for innovation.

“ By wisdom a house is built, by understanding it is made firm. And by knowledge its rooms are filled with every precious and pleasing possession.” -- Proverbs 24:3-4 “You must be the change you wish to see in the world.” – Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi

Mission, vision and strategic plan

1995 – – Mohawk’s Vision

2008 Mohawk College will be the most sought after Canadian post-secondary destination, renowned for its ‘real world’ applied innovation culture, and future-ready graduates with the skills required for today and the ability to prosper from tomorrow’s opportunities.

Mohawk will be relentlessly innovative and the market leader in strategies that advance Four Priorities: Learning Models Applied Innovation & Research Partnerships Quality Facilities & Equipment 2008

What can YOU do ? Where is innovation in YOUR organization ? 1. Mission, vision, values 2. Lead an Innovation Review Conference Board Cameron / Quinn CFO as Innovation Coach 3. Create conversations 4. Rethink your org chart 5. Use the web

Question What can YOU do ? Where is innovation in YOUR organization ? Answer Create a “culture of innovation”

Thank you