HR Conference 2006 Tallahassee, Florida November 14 &15 Programs ~ Processes ~ Partnerships ~ Programs ~ Processes ~ Partnerships Updates & Tips For Administering Compensation, Position, and HR Actions – Part I Presented by: Irene S. Cabral
Programs Processes Partnerships Seminar Objects Provide overview of the State Classification System Provide the latest on requests and review processes for: –agency reclassification requests –agency reorganizations –salary additives and special pay New Pay Increase Statute Discuss Upcoming Projects and Programs Answer any of your questions
Programs Processes Partnerships State Classification System 2001 Service First Legislation created a new classification system called Broadband Moved over 16,000 positions from Career Service to Select Exempt Service pursuant to the definitions in S (x) and S (4) and (5), F.S.
Programs Processes Partnerships Broadband System Collapsed old class system including approximately 4,000 classes into 23 Job Families Based on the Standard Occupational Classification System – –Grouping and numbering system that describes types of work –Developed by the US Dept. of Labor -
Programs Processes Partnerships Broadband Organization Job Families – 23 Occupational Groups – Up to 38 Occupations – approx. 232 Crosswalked old Classes to relevant Broadband codes - rce/human_resource_management/bro adband_classification_and_compensati on rce/human_resource_management/bro adband_classification_and_compensati on Occupational Profiles replaced Class Specs
Programs Processes Partnerships Classification of State Positions Pay Plans 01 (Career Service), 07 (EOG), 08 (Select Exempt), 09 (Senior Management) Rely on language in Chapters (x) and (4) and (5), F.S. Require approval from DMS pursuant to Rule 60L-32
Programs Processes Partnerships Chapter (x), F.S. Managerial employees, as defined in s (4), confidential employees, as defined in s (5), and supervisory employees who spend the majority of their time communicating with, motivating, training, and evaluating employees, and planning and directing employees' work, and who have the authority to hire, transfer, suspend, lay off, recall, promote, discharge, assign, reward, or discipline subordinate employees or effectively recommend such action, including all employees serving as supervisors, administrators, and directors
Programs Processes Partnerships Chapter (4), F.S. ( 4) "Managerial employees" are those employees who: (a) Perform jobs that are not of a routine, clerical, or ministerial nature and require the exercise of independent judgment in the performance of such jobs and to whom one or more of the following applies: 1. They formulate or assist in formulating policies which are applicable to bargaining unit employees.
Programs Processes Partnerships Chapter (4), F.S. 2. They may reasonably be required on behalf of the employer to assist in the preparation for the conduct of collective bargaining negotiations. 3. They have a role in the administration of agreements resulting from collective bargaining negotiations. 4. They have a significant role in personnel administration. 5. They have a significant role in employee relations.
Programs Processes Partnerships Chapter (4), F.S. 6. They are included in the definition of administrative personnel contained in s (3) They have a significant role in the preparation or administration of budgets for any public agency or institution or subdivision thereof
Programs Processes Partnerships Chapter (5), F.S. "Confidential employees" are persons who act in a confidential capacity to assist or aid managerial employees as defined in subsection (4).
Programs Processes Partnerships Clarification on Confidential Employees Currently DMS/HRM can only apply the statutory language to define confidential employees. Activities such as: creating computer databases exclusive to the needs of the agency; working with special needs clients at home; maintaining a database of medical records, do not fall under the definition of “confidential employees”
Programs Processes Partnerships Classification Request Packages Submit written request to DMS/HRM. The request should include: –Information on the change (current and proposed): position number, pay plan, Broadband Occupation and Class title –Justification for the change Position description Organization Charts – current and proposed
Programs Processes Partnerships Agency Reorganizations Requests Reviewed by DMS/HRM and approved by OPB/EOG DMS/HRM conducts a thorough technical review of position reclassifications, organization structure, Statutory provisions OPB reviews package after DMS has issued a recommendation to approve
Programs Processes Partnerships Reorganization Requests Should Include: Justification of request (narrative support for reorganization request) Reason for reorganization (e.g., mission change, increased efficiency, change in law, growth, etc.) Statutory requirement and authority Identify efficiency/effectiveness enhancements, productivity increases, and/or cost savings/cost avoidance Any results of agency internal audits or reviews supporting the purpose of the reorganization, if available
Programs Processes Partnerships Reorganization Requests Should Include (Cont.): Organization Charts (current and proposed) that clearly depicts function organization and position information Attachment A form (if applicable) Position Descriptions (PDs) for all positions impacted by the reorganization. If there are reclassification involved, please refer to the reclassification procedures
Programs Processes Partnerships Reorganization Requests Also Require-- Submission of the initial request to OPB at the same time you submit the request to DMS. NEW – submission to OPB must be done via the BAPS (Budget Amendment Processing System).
Programs Processes Partnerships What is done with the requests - All reclassification and reorganization requests are logged into our internal tracking system at the time they are received and assigned to the Human Resources Analyst Packages are reviewed for consistency with Chapter 20, F.S. and other applicable law by the HR Consultant and agencies are contacted if clarification or more information is needed
Programs Processes Partnerships What is done with the requests - A recommendation letter is issued and submitted to OPB along with the entire package (including any new information gathered during the review process) Once the DMS package is received by OPB, they will enter it into the BAPS system Once OPB reviews and approves the package, DMS issues the final approval with effective dates
Programs Processes Partnerships Salary Additives Chapter , F.S. provides for the following: –Shift differentials –On-Call –Hazardous-duty pay –Lead-worker pay –Temporary special duties pay –Trainer-additive pay –Competitive area differentials –Critical market pay Rule 60L-32, FAC, provides for a process and definition for each of these additives.
Programs Processes Partnerships What’s Changed Effective 7/1/06… Notification requirement – all agencies must advise the Legislature and Governor’s Office and DMS when implementing a pay additive prior to implementation Prohibits giving a “cohort” of position sharing the same job class or occupation unless authorized by the Legislature and does not conflict with CBU agreements
Programs Processes Partnerships What Do These Changes Mean to Us … DMS will begin Rule Promulgation of 60L-32, F.A.C. in order to comply with new Statutory requirements Agencies are now required to provide notification of all additives 14 days prior to implementation If there is a plan to give more than one employee sharing the same job class or occupation an additive, you will need Legislative approval.
Programs Processes Partnerships New Process for Approving Additives 1. Notification Process for Additives Agencies will provide notification of an additive at least 14 days prior to providing the additive to an employee. This notification will be required for the following pay additives: Shift differential On-call Hazardous pay Lead worker Temporary special duty Trainer
Programs Processes Partnerships New Process for Approving Additives 2. Approval Process for Additives Agencies will have authority to implement the following pay additives without formal approval from DMS/HRM (some of these additives will be implemented pursuant to collective bargaining agreements): Shift differential On-call Hazardous pay Lead worker Trainer
Programs Processes Partnerships New Process for Approving Additives 3. Definition of cohort For consideration in addressing the “cohort” term cited in s , F.S., the Department of Management Services (DMS) defines “cohort” as more than one position in a specific job class or occupation
Programs Processes Partnerships Temporary Special Duty Rule 60-32L allows agencies to approve this additive to employees up to 90 days. However, due to Statutory change notification will be required prior to implementing. If the added duties will exceed the 90 days, the agency will need to submit a written request to DMS for approval. The request will need to be submitted prior to the expiration of the 90 days
Programs Processes Partnerships New Proposed Process 4. Process for approving cohorts Any agency requests for any additive that involves more than one position in a specific job class or occupation will be considered a cohort and will, therefore, require specific legislative authorization as long as it does not conflict with collective bargaining agreements. DMS/HRM will gather the information on the request and submit to OPB (notification) and Legislature for their consideration and subsequent approval or denial of the request.
Programs Processes Partnerships Additive Approval should include: A cover letter to DMS detailing the request and reason for extended period of the additive. A current Position Description of the employee assuming the additional duties A current Position Description of the employee whose duties have been assumed Effective date for beginning and ending date of the additive
Programs Processes Partnerships Now Considered “Cohorts”: Competitive Area Differential (CAD) Critical Market These will require specific legislative authorization
Programs Processes Partnerships New Compensation Statute S (3), F.S. now provides - “An agency may not provide general salary increases or pay additives for a cohort of positions sharing the same job classification or job occupations which the Legislature has not authorized in the General Appropriations Act or other laws.”
Programs Processes Partnerships What does this mean? Contact your agency’s General Counsel and the Legislature before implementing a pay increase to a group of employees in the same class! WHY? Because you may not have authority to implement.
Programs Processes Partnerships What We are Working on Revamping the review procedures with OPB in order to facilitate and expedite the review and approval process; Researching where we can use technology such as the People First system; Revamping the Classification and Pay Audit Program; Looking at existing Rules Working with the People First Team on the Org Chart Module, Org Management BRDs, EEO/AA reporting, Position Description Project
Programs Processes Partnerships Questions? Concerns?? Clarification???
HR Conference 2006 Tallahassee, Florida November 14 &15 Programs ~ Processes ~ Partnerships ~ Programs ~ Processes ~ Partnerships Thank you for your interest!! If you have any questions, please contact: Irene Cabral, or at