11 Update on Transcription of Fisher Phase II Data Owen Kimball, Chia-lin Kao, Tresi Arvizo, John Makhoul
22 Current Transcription Effort Transcribing 1400 hours of Fisher data, including –~1560 calls from Phase I collection –~6840 calls from Phase II (more recent) collection Phase II collection replaces original 40 topics with expanded set of 69 ( As before, WordWave transcribing, BBN post processing From the 1400 hours, LDC will hold back calls that include any speaker or phone number that overlaps with test sets that NIST has defined
33 New Transcription Guidelines Eliminated incorrect forms (e.g. British spellings) from dictionary used to filter transcripts Changes to Style Guide to clarify items that led to inconsistencies –Primarily to increase efficiency of manual post processing Added [BN] and [/BN] for sustained background noise Changes to punctuation guidelines to support better future Rich Transcription research –Clarification of double dash (“ -- ”) for discontinuities –Ellipsis (“…”) to indicate continued speaking across interrupt
44 Sample Transcript, Revised Style Guide R: Yeah. And then when you're reading it, you know, it's like, okay, um, you know, people -- people still view things different. L: Right. R: You know? We could be reading the same thing and -- and see it two different ways and... L: Oh, obviously. R:... he shouldn't have said that. [LAUGH] But -- and see I don't -- I don't get the newspaper at all. I just -- L: Yeah. Unfortunately I have to say I don't really either. R: I don't L: I used to. R:... I don't even have time to even sit down and... L: [LAUGH] R:... you know, really read a newspaper, you know? [LAUGH] L: Right. R: [SIGH] Everything has gotten to be so quick that you can't, you know --?
55 Current Status Sent 492 hours of processed transcripts to LDC on 12/2/04 LDC released 465 hours of this in Feb 05 As of 3/15/05 –1288 hours (7734 conversations) received from WordWave –1055 hours (6631 conversations) post processed by BBN WordWave is committed to finishing by end of March 05 BBN has reserved EARS funding to finish post processing –Will send to LDC as soon as all transcripts processed –Hoping for mid-April 05