No parts of this journal may be copied without the permission of the author In results you will have to stay in for recess for 5 weeks © November 25, 2008 All rights reserved If Lost Please Return To Chestnut The Chipmunk S. Pine Tree CO Age 1 Food: nuts Place: Hollow Tree Time of year: Spring and Summer
Crash, boom! Its time for dinner, chipmunks Hello I am Chestnut the chipmunk. I am an astonishing creature because I have three distinguished qualities. My digging skills are out of this world, my burrows are unique, I have outrageously keen senses and love to eat food. ns/b/be/Tamias-rufus-001.jpg
Chomp, chomp my mouth is watering just thinking about these luscious summer foods. They include strawberries, blueberries, and raspberries, choke cherries, wild grasses, pine seeds, and nuts……….YUMMY! I bury my food underground so no one, except those tricky mice, can find it. I comprise built in pouches in my cheeks that can store all of my food. 3,700 blueberry seeds can fit in my plump cheeks. While cracking open those yummy nuts, I keep my tawny incisors from getting too long. 8/2CNorF9MQHo/s320/chipmunks7.jpg
I am a fabulous digger especially when I tunnel in dirt, concrete or ice. I can dig extremely rapid up to 30 feet underground. Big heaps of soil, from digging my tunnels, outside my front door is a dead giveaway to potential predators peering for me and awaiting their next meal ewphdt_fs.jpg
My senses are wonderful and I comprise sharp hearing so no one can sneak up on me My ears will hear if a predator comes near and my sensitive hairs help me find my way around in the night time I acquire bright wide eyes that help me see too and I will bite the predator who comes nearSmall spots are on my forehead and I can peer in both directions and up and down. wtOVjwkxDHM: unkeating2.jpg
I use the same burrow all of my life I never venture farther then 160 feet from my burrow to stay in safety range. It provides me with a safe place to rest while a predator is hunting for me. I change my burrow by adding more rooms and I have my summer home above ground so I can stay cool. I wedge my fork of branches or hollow logs and my burrow is made out of twigs and leaves It looks similar to a covered bird nest with a hole in one side w.united wildlife.c om/imag es/s_chi pmunks.j pg
I posses an exiting life, unlike Bob the Bighorn don’t I? So vote for me! Chestnut the Chipmunk! I posses great senses, communication, and adoptions unk-baby.jpg