Breastfeeding : Save the Baby Earth Money 2
Food security is something in which we all have a stake and a responsibility. (L.Brown) 3
Keeling Curve 출처 :Scripps Institution of Ocean ography
Departures in temperature( ℃ ) from the 1961 to 1990 average
What is mitigation and adaption in relation to global warming? 출처 : IPCC(2001) 6
C limate change and Food Security 7
Food availability Food accessibility Food use Food system stability CO 2 fertilization effects Increase in global mean temperatures Gradual changes in precipitation (increase in the frequency, duration, and intensity of dry spells) Gradual changes in precipitation (changes in timing, location, and amounts of rain and snowfall) Impacts of increase in the frequency and intensity of extreme weather events Table 1. Potential impacts of climate change on food systems and food security (from FAO 2008b) 8
Food availabilityFood accessibilityFood useFood system stability CO 2 fertilization effects Increased food production in major exporting countries would contribute to global food supply but this could be negated by diverting land from food to move valuable cash crops. Increase in food production would limit price increase on world markets but diversion of productive assets to other cash crops could cause food prices to rise Increase in global mean temperatures Reduced production of food crops and livestock products in affected areas. Reduction in global supplies likely to cause market prices to rise Impacts on incomes, prices, and affordability uncertain. Changes in preference uncertain. Risk of ill health from eating food that is spoiled. Higher cost for storing grain and perishable products. Gradual changes in precipitation (increase in the frequency, duration, and intensity of dry spells) Declines in production. Pressure on grain reserves. Decrease in food exports/increase in food imports. Increased need for food aid. Preferred food not available or too costly. Dietary adjustments with different nutritional content. Greater instability of food supply, food prices, and agriculturally-based incomes. Gradual changes in precipitation (changes in timing, location, and amounts of rain and snowfall) Likely impacts on global supplies, trade, and world market prices is not known. Full-cost pricing for water may cause food prices to rise. Food safety is compromised by water pollution and damage to stored food. Greater instability of food supply and food prices. Impacts of increase in the frequency and intensity of extreme weather events Possible decrease in surplus production in flooded agricultural areas. Increased need for emergency distribution of food rations. Possible increase in food prices. Ability of body to process food reduced due to diseases. 9
1 °C Grain 10% 10
Did you Know that our food system is a major contributor to global warning? 17% ~ 19% of the total energy supply in the country. (the Cool Foods Campaign) 11
Energy used in the food system 14% from farm to consumer 16% canning, freezing and drying food 7% packaging 12
2006 to 2008 wheat, maize, rice price in the international 출처 : FAO, Crop Prospects and Food Situation, April
1997 to 2007 international grain production and consumption 출처 : FAO, Crop Prospects and Food Situation, April
Cattle 7 : 1 Fork 3 : 1 Poultry 2 : 1 (L.Brown) Producing Protein More Efficiently 15
China the United State Brazil The world’s three largest meat producers 16
What need to be done? Putting Breastfeeding at the heart of the climate change agenda. 17
Climate Change All populations are vulnerable – but some are more vulmerable than others ○ Children ○ The poor ○ Women 18
Action! 20
Thank you! 21