Social Studies Student warm-up: definition, own words, sketch, and 3 association words
Vocabulary Words and Definition… pollution: contamination of oil, soil, water, or air environment: conditions surrounding a person (people, place) petroleum: crude oil found in nature arable: land suitable for farming climate: weather conditions in an area over a long period of time poverty: condition of having little/no money or means of support
Vocabulary Words and Definition… rural: living in the country/on a farm urban: living in the city exports: goods/products shipped out of a country imports: goods/products brought into a country tourism: business of providing tours and services for travelers agriculture: business of producing crops or raising livestock
Vocabulary Words and Definition… border: line separating political or geographic boundaries coastline: shape or boundary of a coast where land meets water manufacture: to process raw materials into finished products communist: member of a Marxist-Leninist party; believes in socialist system, government controls all
Vocabulary Words and Definition… blackout: stopping use of electricity causing no lighting in a region industry: commercial production or sale of goods and service mulattoes: mixed ancestry, blending European and African groups mestizos: mixed ancestry, blending European and Native American groups literacy: ability to read and write standard of living: “economic level” achieved by a person, family, or country
Vocabulary Words and Definition… colony: emigrants that settle in a distant land but remain connected to the parent country unitary: central government operates all levels of government in the country confederation: group of countries sign a treaty and agree to defend each other, to sign treaties with other countries, to trade with other countries, and/or to use a common currency.
Vocabulary Words and Definition… federal: power is divided between the central government and small divisions, such as states (United States, Brazil) democracy: comes from the Greek words demos (meaning “people”) and kratos (meaning “power”)/ people have power oligarchy: type of government is “rule by a few” presidential: system where citizens elect members of legislature and chief executive known as the president
Vocabulary Words and Definition… parliamentary: system, citizens elect members of parliament called MPs. MPs choose a leader called the prime minister. (Canada) chief executive: heads the military, enforces laws, and keeps the country running day to day head of state: symbolic leader of a country (king or queen) prime minister: chief executive of a country
Vocabulary Words and Definition… representative democracy: citizens of a country elect the direct democracy: requires a vote by all citizens for every decision by the government. monarchy: rule by a king or queen autocracy: single ruler with unlimited power
Vocabulary Words and Definition… scarcity: A limited of supply of something. economic System: The way a country decides what goods and services will be produced, how they will be produced, and who will consume them. traditional Economy: An economy in which customs and habits of the past decide what and how goods and services are produced, distributed, and consumed. quota: A limit placed on the number of imports that may enter a country.
Vocabulary Words and Definition… command Economy: An economy in which centralized planning groups decide what and how goods and services will be produced, distributed, and consumed. market Economy: An economy in which changes in price guide what and how goods and services will be produced, distributed, and consumed. free Enterprise: A decentralized market economy.
Vocabulary Words and Definition… free Economy: Describes an economy where businesses can operate without too many rules from the government. capitalism: A decentralized market economy. laissez-faire: (French) A decentralized market economy. Words through September 28… Will be updated as we go…
Vocabulary Words and Definition… specialized: factory has “division of labor”; each worker an expert of his part entrepreneur: people who risk their own money and resources to develop a business idea centralized: bring under one central authority decentralized: distribute functions among several local authorities
Vocabulary Words and Definition… demand: commodity that people are ready and able to buy supply: product available for purchase at a given price economic system: determines how to use resources to meet basic needs embargo: government order stopping trade with another country
Vocabulary Words and Definition… tariff: tax on imports currency: money people use to make trade easier Words through October 5… Will be updated as we go…
Vocabulary Words and Definition… trade barriers: countries limit trade by creating penalties on other countries NAFTA: North American Free Trade Agreement between U.S., Canada, and Mexico- removed all tariffs on trade goods exchange rate: price of one nation’s currency in terms of another nation’s currency (comparing value) GDP: Gross Domestic Product- total value of all goods/services produced in 1 year
Vocabulary Words and Definition… human capital: investing in education, training, health of workers physical capital: investing in factories, machines, technology, buildings, and property for a business to work human resources: are the education and skills people have to produce goods and services capital resources: are things, machines and equipment, that people need to produce goods and services
V OCABULARY W ORDS AND D EFINITION … 2 nd Nine Weeks…. natural resources: “gifts of nature”-- forests, minerals, water, etc. income: money made from selling goods and services expenses: costs related to doing business profit: money left over after paying expenses
V OCABULARY W ORDS AND D EFINITION … savings: income not spent budget: spending-and-savings plan for an individual or corporation investment: putting money aside now in order to receive benefits in the future interest: a fee paid for the use of money Words through October 19… Will be updated as we go…
V OCABULARY W ORDS AND D EFINITION … Nahautl: Aztec language spoken by thousands of people in Mexico conquistador: Spanish conqueror Quechua: Inca language still spoken today in Mexico viceroy: governor of a colony/region
V OCABULARY W ORDS AND D EFINITION … indigenous: native people of a region Columbian Exchange: exchange of plants, animals, and disease between the Old World and the New World and from the New World to the Old World Words through October 24… (Oct. 25, 26– map tasks) Will be updated as we go…
Famous people of Latin America… Hernan Cortes – Spanish conquistador, famous for conquering the Aztec Empire in Mexico in Montezuma II – Aztec ruler from about 1500 to He was ruler when their land was invaded by the Spanish. Francisco Pizarro – Spanish conquistador, famous for conquering the Inca Empire in South America between 1531 – Atahualpa – last ruler of the Inca Empire
Famous people of Latin America… Toussaint L’Ouverture – famous black freedom fighter. He was a major leader of the slave revolts in Saint Dominigue. (today Haiti) Simon Bolivar – Leader in the wars for independence in South America. Lead people in Bolivia, Colombia, Ecuador, Panama, Peru, and Venezuela against Spanish rule. Miguel Hidalgo – father of Mexican independence. a priest who led a peasant army against the Spanish army.
Famous Europeans… Beethoven – ( ) greatest composer, overcame handicap of deafness to create glorious music. Winston Churchill – ( ) prime minister of British parliament in Led England during German bombings, famous for his speeches. Anne Frank – ( ) Holocaust victim, Jewish girl, wrote a diary of her experiences. Her diary is a published book read by students today.
Vocabulary… traditional economy – An economy in which customs and habits of the past decide what and how goods and services are produced, distributed, and consumed. command economy – An economy in which centralized planning groups decide what and how goods and services will be produced, distributed, and consumed.
Vocabulary… market economy – An economy in which changes in price guide what and how goods and services will be produced, distributed, and consumed. mixed economy – an economy that blends characteristics of both command and market economies, but falls closer to one form or the other.
Vocabulary… (Jan. 2013) cartography – the art and science of mapmaking crusades – long series of battles starting in 1095 between Christians of Europe and the Muslims to gain control of Palestine empire – a system in which a central power controls a number of territories