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Issued Patent for using Contrave for reducing cardiovascular risk Problem! Released ongoing trial data in patent MGMT told 100+ people and data leaked Stock Jumped 50% Short-term gains MGMT looking out for shareholders FDA + Trial Committee Angry at Orexigen Management Drug unlikely to decrease cardio risk Possible punishment? Increased FDA regulation on trial info?
International trade balance narrowed to$- 41.8B from $-45.8B Within consensus range Exports fell 2.9% and imports dropped 3.9% Will most likely lead to an upward GDP revision Surpluses with: South and Central America Brazil Deficits China European Union Germany OPEC Canada Japan
AbbVie will buy all outstanding shares of Pharmacyclics for $ a share Stock holders will be can be compensated in AbbVie stock, cash or both Stock holders will be can be compensated in AbbVie stock, cash or both Adds Imbruvica to an already robust research pipeline Inhibitor useful in the detection of blood cancers Has received three Breakthrough Therapy designations from the FDA
All 31 banks included in the Federal Reserve test passed the DFAST stress test The banks have enough capital to absorb losses during a prolonged and sharp economic slowdown Goldman Sachs, J. P. Morgan, Morgan Stanley and Wells Fargo had lower common equity Tier 1 ratios Precedes the tougher CCAR test, which assess the planned capital actions