Remarks by Mark Pearson Independent Community Bankers Nashville, Tennessee March 12, 2012.


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Presentation transcript:

Remarks by Mark Pearson Independent Community Bankers Nashville, Tennessee March 12, 2012

Back in Production… Any Way Possible Source: Matt Leavitt

10-Year Corn Prices Source: NASS

Corn Use: Fuel versus Food Source: USDA ‘02 EthanolFeed Bushels ‘03‘05‘04‘06‘08‘07‘09‘10‘11

U.S. Corn Ending Stocks as Percentage of Use Compliments of PHI Marketing

World Corn Ending Stocks as a Percentage of Use Compliments of PHI Marketing

USDA Corn Supply and Use 2010/11 est. (2/9/12) 2011/2012 proj. Area Planted Area Harvested Yield Beginning Stocks 1,708 1,128 Production 12,447 12,358 Imports 2820 Supply, Total 14,182 13,506 Feed & Residual 4,793 4,600 Food, Seed & Industrial 6,428 6,405 Domestic Use, Total 11,220 11,005 Exports 1,835 1,700 Use, Total 13,055 12,705 Ending Stocks 1, Average Farm Price $5.18 $5.80-$6.60 Compliments of PHI Marketing

World Corn Supply and Use (est.) (proj.) Beginning Stocks Production Imports Feed Total Exports Ending Stocks Million Metric Tons Compliments of PHI Marketing

May ’12 Corn Source: CBOT

December ’12 Corn Source: CBOT

Light Sweet Crude Oil Source: NYMEX

10-Year Soybean Prices Source: NASS

Brazil’s Big Ag Expansion Source: DTN 75% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% CoffeeSoybeansCotton Exports Production 24%46%36%39%48%68%

U.S. Soybean Ending Stocks As % of Use Compliments of PHI Marketing

World Soybean Ending Stocks as Percentage of Use Compliments of PHI Marketing

USDA Soybean Supply and Use 2010/11 Est. (2/9/12)2011/2012 Projected Area Planted Area Harvested Yield (bushels per acre) Beginning Stocks Production 3,329 3,056 Imports 1415 Supply, Total 3,495 3,286 Crush 1,648 1,615 Exports 1,501 1,275 Seed Residual Use, Total 3,280 3,011 Ending Stocks Average Farm Price $11.30 $11.10-$12.30 Compliments of PHI Marketing

World Soybean Supply and Use 2009/ /11 (est.) 2011/2012(Proj.) 2009/ /11 (est.) 2011/2012(Proj.) Beginning Stocks Production Imports Crush Total Exports Ending Stocks Million Metric Tons Compliments of PHI Marketing

May ’12 Soybeans Source: CBOT

November ’12 Soybeans Source: CBOT

10-Year Wheat Prices Source: NASS

USDA Wheat Supply and Use 2010/11 (2/9/12) 2011/2012 Projected Area Planted Area Harvested Yield (bushels per acre) Beginning Stocks Production 2,207 1,999 Imports Supply, Total 3,279 2,982 Food Seed Feed & Residual Exports 1,289 1,162 Use, Total 2,417 2,137 Ending Stocks Average Farm Price $5.70 $7.15-$7.45 Compliments of PHI Marketing

World Wheat Supply and Use 2009/ /11(est.) 2011/2012 (Proj.) 2009/ /11(est.) 2011/2012 (Proj.) Beginning Stocks Production Imports Feed Total Exports Ending Stocks Million Metric Tons Compliments of PHI Marketing

U.S. Wheat Ending Stocks As % of Use Compliments of PHI Marketing

World Wheat Ending Stocks As Percentage of Use Compliments of PHI Marketing

May ’12 Chicago Wheat Source: CBOT

December ’12 Chicago Wheat Source: CBOT

10-Year Cotton Prices Source: NASS

May ’12 Cotton Source: CBOT

December ’12 Cotton Source: NYMEX

10-Year Cattle Prices Source: NASS

April ’12 Live Cattle Source: CBOT

December ’12 Live Cattle Source: CBOT

April ’12 Feeder Cattle Source: CBOT

November ’12 Feeder Cattle Source: CBOT

January Milk Cows Source: NASS

April ’12 Class III Milk Source: CBOT

December ’12 Class III Milk Source: CBOT

10-Year Hog Prices Source: NASS

April ’12 Lean Hogs Source: CBOT

December ’12 Lean Hogs Source: CBOT

Inflation Adjusted Farmland Values Source: Chicago Federal Reserve

Recovering economy Demographics will drive ag/food product demand Next world industrial expansion: Africa U.S. continues to be ag technology leader U.S., China will drive African development Infrastructure build-out continues in South America ‘Youth bulge’ means growth in Middle East, but continued destabilization following Arab Spring What’s this mean for you: Continued strong demand for U.S. agricultural commodities Globally Local World: What’s Ahead