Hungarian Presidency programme and results in the field of Cohesion Policy Zsuzsanna Kondor, National Development Agency, Coordination MA 23 June 2011 Prague
1.Objectives and strategy of HU PRES in Cohesion Policy 2.Achievements Council Conclusions and GAC orientation debate High Level Meeting on the Future of Cohesion Policy Informal Meeting of Ministers, Presidency Conclusions 3.Conclusion
1.Objectives and strategy of HU PRES in Cohesion Policy 2.Achievements Council Conclusions and GAC orientation debate High Level Meeting on the Future of Cohesion Policy Informal Meeting of Ministers, Presidency Conclusions 3.Conclusion
Cohesion Policy as a key priority of HU PRES („Stronger EU”) Strategy responds to challenges in the macro environment of the EU and the state of play of Cohesion Policy… Overall objectives Post-crisis EU, scarce resources emphasise the results, the importance and the visibility of CP Level of debate is crucial strengthen the position of CP at a high political level Operative goals 5 th Cohesion Report was published just before HU PRES Concentrate on key issues, facilitate common interpretation, identify potential consensus areas Bridge the gap between the Report and the draft legislative package Overall red line: not to prejudge discussions on MFF Objectives and strategy
1.Objectives and strategy of HU PRES in Cohesion Policy 2.Achievements Council Conclusions and GAC orientation debate High Level Meeting on the Future of Cohesion Policy Informal Meeting of Ministers, Presidency Conclusions 3.Conclusion
February January 2 SAWPs in March ( key topics) 2 SAWPs in March ( key topics) Events in mainstream Cohesion Policy 23 – 24 May COCOF Stakeholder Dialogue Budapest 23 – 24 May COCOF Stakeholder Dialogue Budapest 1 SAWP in April ( key topics) 1 SAWP in April ( key topics) 1 SAWP in May ( key topics) 1 SAWP in May ( key topics) MarchAprilMayJune 2011 COCOF 9 February, 23 March, 20 April, 29 June COCOF 9 February, 23 March, 20 April, 29 June 2 SAWPs in February ( conclusions) 2 SAWPs in February ( conclusions) 4 SAWPs in January ( conclusions) 4 SAWPs in January ( conclusions) 15 – 17 June Informal SAWP (attaché trip) Bátonyterenye 15 – 17 June Informal SAWP (attaché trip) Bátonyterenye 31 Jan – 1 Feb. Cohesion Forum Prime Minister’s speech 31 Jan – 1 Feb. Cohesion Forum Prime Minister’s speech 21 February GAC Council Conclusions on the 5th Cohesion Report Orientation debate 21 February GAC Council Conclusions on the 5th Cohesion Report Orientation debate 31 March – 1 April High Level Meeting on the future of Cohesion Policy Budapest 31 March – 1 April High Level Meeting on the future of Cohesion Policy Budapest 18 – 20 May Informal Ministerial Meeting Gödöllő 18 – 20 May Informal Ministerial Meeting Gödöllő 1 SAWP in June ( summary) 1 SAWP in June ( summary)
Council Conclusions and orientation debate – 1 Council Conclusions - background Prepared as a response to the 5 th Cohesion Report Approved by consensus at GAC on 21 st February 2011 Council Conclusions - aims To pinpoint and summarise those issues of the debate where there is a consensus between MSs Also to identify those issues where further debate is needed Provide a common basis for the Council work to follow during the semester
Council Conclusions – consensual topics Consensus on the importance of Cohesion Policy Commitment to further improve the effectiveness and efficiency of Cohesion Policy through… …focusing on a limited number of key priorities –respect the needs and potentials of MSs and regions –alignment with EU2020 to respect objectives of both frameworks …an integrated approach –need for better coordination between EU Funds –potential added value of the CSF …a clear and transparent delivery system –to be built on our achievements so far Council Conclusions and orientation debate – 2
Council Conclusions - where further debate is needed The role and nature of the Development and Investment Partnership Contract Menu of thematic objectives to be used in thematic concentration The system of conditionalities and incentives Related themes in the focal point of Council work Thematic concentration and result-orientation as topics of main events Orientation debate On the agenda of the same meeting of the GAC Reinforced the messages of the Council Conclusions Commitment to a strong Cohesion Policy expressed at high political level by Ministers Council Conclusions and orientation debate – 3
Background Organised in Budapest on 31 st March – 1 st April 150+ participants: MSs, COM, high-level experts Aims To highlight the importance of Cohesion Policy as a tool for future developments… …and discuss key issues, facilitate common interpretation Topics selected from areas where further debate needed (GAC) –Thematic concentration and flexibility –Result-orientation of Cohesion Policy Also: integrated approach and possible new methodologies (HU good practice for integrated local development; value analysis) Discussion papers issued Conclusions of the Meeting based on work of sections Budapest High Level Meeting
Background Main HU PRES event in the field of Cohesion Policy Information from all PRES work channelled into IMM Organised on 19 th – 20 th May (1 st day: territorial cohesion / 2 nd : Cohesion Policy), Royal Palace of Gödöllő 200+ participants: MSs, candidate countries, EEA/EFTA, COM, EP, CoR, EESC, OECD, EIB Aims To carry on with the debate at high political level and… …draw conclusions based on the main messages of Ministers Issue Notes prepared to stimulate discussion on… –How to be more effective in achieving results? –How to contribute more effectively to the EU2020 Strategy? Based on the messages of the debate, Presidency Conclusions Informal Meeting of Ministers
Importance and nature of Cohesion Policy Ministers reinforced the importance of a strong Cohesion Policy Any improvements shall be aligned with characteristics and added values of the Policy (integrated, bottom-up) Result-orientation of Cohesion Policy Strong political commitment to enhancing result-orientation Role of programming, evaluation/indicators, streamlined delivery system emphasised Conditionalities strongly linked with effectiveness of Cohesion Policy widely supported Conditions to be in place before expenditure is made (ex-ante) Reforms in CSR’s are important but should not be set as conditionalities as they cannot be objectively assessed Conditionalities should build on principles such as focus, flexibility, ownership, transparency, accountability, proportionality and simplification Presidency Conclusions, main messages – 1
Cohesion Policy’s Contribution to EU2020 For tangible results, policies should focus on limited number of priority objectives Cohesion Policy contributes to a smart, sustainable and inclusive growth even in this period It should continue to be a key tool in the implementation of EU2020 by translating strategic objectives into actions on the ground Will be effective if takes into account different contexts and… …recognises that different policy-mixes may be needed to deliver the same objectives Timing Called on COM to present legislative proposals in Summer 2011 to allow for a comprehensive preparation Presidency Conclusions, main messages – 2
1.Objectives and strategy of HU PRES in Cohesion Policy 2.Achievements Council Conclusions and GAC orientation debate High Level Meeting on the Future of Cohesion Policy Informal Meeting of Ministers, Presidency Conclusions 3.Conclusion
To conclude… HU PRES did everything at its disposal to… …identify bottlenecks, …discuss implementation aspects …and progress towards common interpretation of key issues Hopefully prepared the ground for discussions of draft regulations… …contributed to the timely start of post 2013 programmes
Thank you for your attention! Zsuzsanna Kondor, Director General Coordination Managing Authority, National Development Agency