GEOSS Community Portal Recommendations GEO IIB Meeting, Frascati, Italy February 23-25, 2015 Ken McDonald/NOAA
GEOSS Overview Elements - Infrastructure Components GEO Portal Discovery/Access Broker (DAB) Registries - Resources EO data and services Capabilities - The GEOSS Portal interfaces with the DAB to discover, search and access resources in the GCI registries and those within large, federated EO catalogues. - The GEOSS Portal allows filtering on science and application disciplines of the Societal Benefit Areas.
Rationale for Community Portals As good and necessary as the GEOSS Portal is, communities still wish to develop their own interface to relevant data and services –Provides visibility to their particular program –Supports integration of EO and non-EO data –Enables integration of specialized community services (e.g. helper applications, data processing, sensor webs, model webs…) Ideally Community Portals will utilize GCI for discovery and access of GEOSS resources –GCI can enable CPs to present a community-specific view of GEOSS data and services Communities will need assistance –GCI documentation, recommendations, best practices, tutorials, etc.
Community Portal Paper Activity Purpose – provide guidance to developers of Community Portals –Work with communities to identify and characterize functions and use cases of community portals –Demonstrate benefits of utilizing GCI –Instruct on its use –Share experience of previous efforts (e.g. AIPs) Team – voluntary representatives from GCI component developers and interested communities –Good representation from AIP participants –Open invitation to new participants Goal – maximize benefits of GCI and promote community contributions to system of systems
Team Members Ken McDonald/NOAA-STCMartin Yapur/NOAA George Percivall/OGCDavid Arctur/Univ. of Texas, OGC Yubao Qiu/GEO SecJan Rene Larsen/AMAP Osamu Ochiai/GEO-SecOliver Clements/PML Espen Volden/GEO-SecBart de Lathouwer/OGC Stefano Nativi/CNRArne-Jørgen Berre/SINTEF Mirko Albani/ESALionel Menard/MINES-ParisTech Doug Nebert/USGSLaurence Fleury/OBS-MIP Martin Hogeweg/ESRIMick Wilson/UNEP Steve Browdy/IEEE/OMS TechGuido Colangeli/ESA Greg Giuliani/Univ. of Geneva, UNEPGary Geller/JPL-GEO BON Glenn Rutledge/NOAA-NCDCIngo Simonis/OGC
Approach Initial telecons focused on information sharing –Energy Portal – Lionel Menard –Sustaining Arctic Observing Networks – Jan Rene Larsen –GEOSS Discovery/Access Broker – Stefano Nativi –GEOSS Portal Overview/Demo – Guido Colangeli –Portals of the Water SBA – David Arctur –Portals of Citizens Observatories – Arne J. Berre –EnviroGRIDS – Greg Giuliani –GEO Climate Task (future) – Glenn Rutledge Community Portal use cases developed Developed initial outline for the paper –Purpose, scope, GCI overview and use cases –Structure for capturing recommendations
Current Paper Objectives/Contents Dual Purpose/Audience –Outreach – Communities at large Describe GCI and general capabilities –Instruction – Community system implementers Tutorials, examples, best practices Scope of Paper –Originally limited to Community Portals/Clients Provide instruction and assistance in utilizing the GCI components –Broadened scope to look at range of possible interactions between GCI and Community Infrastructures Allows GCI to better leverage community capabilities and promotes closer engagement of user communities in sustaining and enhancing GEOSS
GEOSS – Broad View GEOSS Community Data, Information, Services and Applications Community Portals Community Catalogue Community Broker Community Infrastructure Helper Applications Community Data, Information, Services and Applications Community Portals Community Catalogue Community Broker Community Infrastructure Helper Applications Community Data, Information, Services and Applications Community Portals Community Catalogue Community Broker Community Infrastructure Helper Applications
Community Components in GEOSS Community Portals Community Catalogue Community Broker Community Infrastructure Community Data, Information, Services and Applications Link from/to GEOSS Portal Community View of GEOSS Resources Register Community Resources as Appropriate Enables Integration of Registered and non- Registered Resources GCI Access to Community Infrastructure GEOSS Helper Applications
Community Portal Paper Structured around GEOSS diagram –General description of GCI – Community Infrastructure architecture Each interface demonstrates possible interactions –Use case description –Tutorials/instructions and/or appropriate links –Examples –Best practices D ocument will need to evolve –Changes to GCI components –Expanded experience base –Refined community needs/objectives
Challenges Limited interactions to date –Communities are registering their resources –Some use of GCI to build community capabilities –Need examples for each interface GCI evolution –DAB, Clearinghouse and CSR architecture –Changes to registration procedure –Need resolution before making recommendations Support –Are communities motivated to use GCI? –Are GCI component developers ready to assist community component developers?
Status Draft completed and released and under internal review (IIB, AIP-7 participants) –Outreach sections nearing completion –Instruction sections need work –Best practices to come with GCI utilization Plan to release document to SBA teams –Need clear understanding on state of the document Ongoing updates expected –Experience of portal development efforts –Evolution of GCI components –New or revised use cases
Relationship to AIP Community Portal Paper activity has been a participant in AIP-7 –Information exchange –Draft CPP distributed to AIP-7 Plenary Recommendations document provides mechanism to share experience –AIP efforts described in “Examples” section –Specific AIP experience in leveraging GCI capabilities to be captured in “Recommendations” Contributions from AIP participants is essential –Document current implementation experience –Guide development of community components and future AIPs –Provide feedback to GCI implementers/operators Greater interaction envisioned in AIP-8.