Roundtable: Community Relationships That Work July 18, 2007 STRONGER COMPANIES. STRONGER COMMUNITIES.
Thank You! EF Roundtables Sponsor: Today’s Roundtable Host: EF Leadership Sponsors:
Our Mission To engage high growth companies in corporate citizenship and philanthropic efforts so that new and leveraged resources are generated for community benefit. Our Work Entrepreneurs Foundation (EF) works with emerging companies to create, manage and implement corporate foundations and community benefit programs. Our Vision Silicon Valley will be considered a leading community, not just for our innovations but also for our corporate commitment to the broader community. About Entrepreneurs Foundation STRONGER COMPANIES. STRONGER COMMUNITIES.
Roundtable Goals Why EF Conducts Roundtables To generate ideas for how to expand companies’ community involvement (CI) programs. To identify other resources available in the community to help expand companies’ CI programs. To build on the EF network of companies as a learning community to share best practices and lessons learned. Goals of This Roundtable To learn how to navigate the diversity of opportunities with community-benefit organizations (CBOs). To learn how to match the goals of the company with the goals of the CBO. To identify what kinds of engagements work, what doesn’t and why.
STRONGER COMPANIES. STRONGER COMMUNITIES. Agenda 9:30Introductions 9:40Nonprofits and Corporations: How are they different? 10:00Applied Materials Case Study 10:20LGC Wireless Case Study 10:40Small group discussion 11:10Roll up discussion 11:25Announcements, handouts, wrap-up and evaluation 11:30Adjourn
Sector Comparisons STRONGER COMPANIES. STRONGER COMMUNITIES. Source: Joni Podolsky Consulting
Goal Comparisons STRONGER COMPANIES. STRONGER COMMUNITIES. Benefits to Nonprofits More attention to community need/people served Increased public support for programs Improved community relations/good will Cost savings Opportunities to increase donors Opportunities to recruit new board members Access to specialized skills and resources Benefits to Corporations Team building Leadership development Employees learn new skills Employee recruiting/retention Fits with corporate values/culture of “giving back” Brand trust Cause-related marketing Important to stakeholders The community expects it
STRONGER COMPANIES. STRONGER COMMUNITIES. Small Group Discussion, Guiding Questions What are examples of community engagements you’ve had through your company? How did you choose which community organization to work with? What has worked, what hasn’t, why? What’s your process for engaging with a community organization? How do you determine whether or not it is likely to be a good engagement? What are some challenges and lessons learned?
Additional Resources List of Opportunities and Resources to Get Engaged (separate handout) Check list for planning an activity (separate handout) EFCommunity1 Listserv An -based forum to share best practices and lessons learned with Bay Area colleagues from companies working to strengthen their corporate citizenship programs. To subscribe, send an to: STRONGER COMPANIES. STRONGER COMMUNITIES.
Joni Podolsky Director, Community Programs Jeff Rangel Director, Community Programs STRONGER COMPANIES. STRONGER COMMUNITIES.