Lodi Unified School District Proposed Budget
The Fiscal Team’s responsibility is to allow the Board of Education and the entire education community to focus on non-fiduciary issues, through accurate and transparent information. 1
What is a Budget? In its simplest form: A proposed plan for revenues and expenditures for the following fiscal year In typical form: A proposed plan for revenues and expenditures in a format that meets county and state requirements In optimum form: A policy document to reflect the philosophy of the Board, the Administration, & the Education Community A financial plan: To show where you've been and where you are going An operations guide: To guide administrative decisions and actions throughout the year A communications device: To share with the community the strengths and challenges of the instructional program 2
State Fiscal Crisis Continues The state continues to face a shortfall for Economic indicators show that the road to recovery will be slow. The Budget: Flat funds education Add yet another deferral, approximately.32cents per dollar will be owed the district in the next fiscal year. ($34,602,539) Deficit factor of % State categorical funding continues to be reduced by approximately 20% and flexibility continues to allow the district to designate those funds to district priorities until Class-size Reduction until
Revenue $214,689,969 4
Expenditure $211,909, Certificated Personnel 2000 Classified Personnel 3000 Benefits 4000 Supplies 5000 Contracted Services 6000 Capital Items 7000Other Outgo 5
County Reserve Requirements $17,715, % $26,140, % 6
Reserves Stores, Revolving, & Prepaid$ 795,979 Restricted$ 4,587,713 Contingency Reserve$ 150,000 Capital Outlay (AB 87)$ 279,931 Contingent on Tax Extensions State Deficit$ 7,280,284 LEA Negotiated Settlement Reserve$ 3,284,915 Tier III Program Reserves$ 73,991 Carry Over Reserves$ 200,000 Unforeseen Special Education$ 2,000,000 SERP Reserves$ 3,636,960 State Deferred/Deficit Spending (Cash)$23,890,000 State Required 3%$ 6,339,176 7
Multi-Year Projection 8
10/3/2015 CASH Estimated TRANS July $8,662,015 April $5,000,000 10
Enrollment 11
Enrollment by Grade 12
Long-Term Concerns Categorical Future CSR Instructional Materials Technology Routine and Deferred Maintenance School Year Unfunded Retirement and Other Debt Service Declining Enrollment Deficit Spending Federal Programs Cash 13
Special Thanks Angel Murnan, Director of Budgets, and The Budget Department Maria Fong, Controller, and the Accounting Department Joan Scherr, Administrative Assistant And to the Board of Education 14