Overview of the Irish Anti-Doping Programme
WADA 2015 Code What you need to know
Sanctions Consequences/sanctions The minimum sanction for intentional cheating is now 4 years for the first offence To get any reduction in sanction from 2 years, athletes must have substantial proof that they were not at fault or intending to cheat
Anti-Doping Rule Violations There are now 10 ADRVs (previously there were 8). The new ADRVs are: Complicity: e.g. helping to cover up an ADRV or avoid detection Prohibited Association: e.g. working with a person such as a coach, doctor, physio or agent who is currently serving a ban or has been convicted in criminal or disciplinary proceedings that would constitute doping
Whereabouts From 1 January 2015, if you receive 3 whereabouts failures (missed tests and/or filing failures) within a 12-month period you will receive a 2-year ban. It was previously 18 months. Any current Whereabouts strikes remain valid when the 2015 Code comes into effect. Important: Athletes charged with a Whereabouts violation will not be considered for a reduction in their ban if they have a pattern of last minute Whereabouts updates. The 60 minute time slot from 1 st of January 2015 can be from 5am to 11pm.
Contaminated Product The issue of contaminated products has been acknowledged. If an athlete can establish no significant fault or negligence then the sanction can range from a reprimand to a maximum of 2 years.
TUE’S If you are an International athlete (as defined by your International Federation) and you require a TUE then you must apply to your International Federation. If you compete at National level then apply to the Irish Sports Council.
Case Management From January 2015 the Irish Sports Council may prosecute the case of any ADRV’S if your NGB has signed an agreement with the Sports Council to do so.
Anti-Doping Programmes World Anti- Doping Agency International Federation NADO – Irish Sports Council NGB
Strict Liability Your Body. Your Responsibility.
Doping Violations 1.Presence of a Prohibited Substance in an Athlete’s Sample 2. Use or Attempted Use by an Athlete of a Prohibited Substance or a Prohibited Method 3. Refusing or failing to do a drug test after notification 4. Committing Three Whereabouts Failures (Filing Failures or Missed Tests) in 12 months
Doping Violations cont… 5.Tampering 6. Possession of Prohibited Substances and/or Prohibited Methods 7. Trafficking in any Prohibited Substance or Prohibited Method 8. Administration to an Athlete of any Prohibited Method or Prohibited Substance; assisting, encouraging, aiding, abetting, covering up
Two New Anti-Doping Violations 9. Complicity - Involvement in an ADRV committed by another person, such as helping to cover up that ADRV or avoid detection, will be sanctioned in the same way as that violation. 10. Prohibited Association -Associating with a person such as a coach, doctor or physio who has been found guilty of an ADRV or equivalent offence to a doping violation will be sanctioned with a ban of up to 2 years.
Consequences of not adhering to Anti- Doping Procedures Suspension from sport – 4 years to life Other Consequences – Time, Media etc
Sanctions If an athlete/coach is sanctioned for a positive test they will not be allowed to train with a club, participate, coach or administer the sport, or any other sport that is signed up to the WADA Code, while under sanction.
Coaches or Athlete Support Team Can be sanctioned under the Irish Anti-Doping Rules – Tampering or Attempted Tampering – Possession – Trafficking or Attempted Trafficking – Administration or Attempted Administration, or assisting, encouraging, aiding, abetting, covering up or any other type of complicity
Athlete Notification AFTER an athlete competes/finishes training a tester will verbally inform them that they need to do a drugs test They will be asked to sign the Doping Control Form
The WADA Prohibited List
WADA Prohibited List ‘ the banned list’ Drug tests check for categories of substances and methods on this list
Substances/Methods are banned for 3 reasons: Performance Enhancement Endangers the Health of Athletes/Players Against the Spirit of Sport
Recreational Drugs (including Cannabis) are on the Prohibited List
The Simple Advice… Your players must check all their prescribed and over-the-counter medications
Republic of Ireland
ISC Medication Checker App Links to
Northern Ireland, USA, UK
Pseudoephedrine Talk to a pharmacist about the use of alternative permitted medications for therapeutic use during in-competition periods
GUESS which are prohibited?
Which of the following are prohibited?
The Same? Republic of IrelandAmerica PROHIBITED!!!!!!
Travelling Abroad…advice to players Bring a supply from home of any prescribed medications or over-the-counter medications you may need If your player needs to purchase a medication overseas – you need to check if it is permitted in the country where it is purchased
TUE Advice Ring/ the Irish Sports Council or the TUE Secretariat – , The player’s PRESCRIBING doctor needs to sign the form, and give the MEDICAL FILE details
2014 ISC Testing Statistics National Testing Programme increased by 186 tests (an increase of 18%) - Blood Testing figures increased by 31% - In Competition tests accounted for 25% of National Testing Programme, Out of Competition tests accounted for 75% of National Testing Programme - Whereabouts Mobile App was launched for all Registered Testing Pool (RTP) athletes - In 2014, 35% of whereabouts submissions by athletes were provided through this website based app. - Whereabouts Failures decreased by 80% (18 Whereabouts Failures in 2013 and 4 in 2014) - Unsuccessful attempts on team sports decreased by 29% - Unsuccessful attempts on the Registered Testing Pool increased by 12%
Resources Real winner online programme Play True Quiz 2015 Wallet card
Online Submission Form
Contact ADO-contact details