LIRICS mid-term review 1 WP1: DCR Metadata and API Peter Wittenburg Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics 23rd May 2006
LIRICS mid-term review2 DCR Metadata – Embedding I “Content.Modalities” or “Modalities” “Session.Name”, “Project.Name”, “Contact.Name” and “Actor.Name” or “Name” what to be put into the DCR? prevent over-specialization and proliferation of concepts use schema for refinements
LIRICS mid-term review3 DCR Metadata – Embedding II “Content.Languages.Language.Language_Name”, “Participants.Participant.Language.Language_Name” and “Content.Description.Language_Name” or “Language_Name”
LIRICS mid-term review4 DCR Metadata – Scope “Content.Genre” and “Content.Subgenre” different vocabularies, different scope although refinement
LIRICS mid-term review5 DCR Metadata – Integration “OLAC:Role” and “IMDI:Role” definitions are similar and the value ranges only show small differences. While OLAC uses the term “Compiler” IMDI uses the term “Collector” “ISO:Role” is broader generic concept use sub-community specific naming
LIRICS mid-term review6 DCR Metadata – Working Languages IMDI terms are available in English, Dutch, German, Swedish, Italian, and Greek no problems occurred when using the language sections of the model
LIRICS mid-term review7 DCR API I the IMDI API allows arbitrary web-applications to interact with the ISO DCR service it has to be standardized, stable and open it is fully operational currently it is accessed by LEXUS ELAN, ANNEX, IMDI Tools to come next
LIRICS mid-term review8 LEXUS-DCR Interaction I open a lexicon in LEXUS go to schema view add a new lexical attribute
LIRICS mid-term review9 LEXUS-DCR Interaction II select ISO DCR to select DatCat select DCR profile browse in ISO DCR select and insert found DatCat
LIRICS mid-term review10 DCR Conclusion for metadata profile ready to start for DCR exploitation ready to start API seems to be stable additional applications will be adapted such as ELAN, ANNEX, IMDI Tools will create better documentation for programmers have already a poster at LREC etc