1 Object Role Modeling Sander van der Rijnst
2 Outline Background Object Role Modeling method Process Deliverable Diagram Example Discussion
3 Background First concept created by Nijssen in the 1970s Natural language Information Analysis Method (NIAM) Formalized in 1989 by Halpin Object Role Modeling Several dialects exists FCO-IM, FORM
4 Timeline
5 Thee basic principles Communication Oriented Does not model reality, but models the communication about reality (i.e. the facts and nothing but the facts) Conceptuality All conceptual aspects of the communication should be modelled Validation Users should be able to validate that their communication is correctly modelled without having to understand the model itself
6 Object Role Modeling Is based on concrete information and examples in documents and conversations Is in the form of a language, e.g. English, Dutch or even Chinese Is in the natural language of the Universe of Discourse
7 Traditional Waterfall Development Approach Requirements Design Implement Test Release Feasibility
8 Design phase Conceptual information model Verbalization of examples Universe of Discourse perspective of domain expert perspective of information analyst interview level
9 Notation Supported by CASE-tools PersonInstrument PersonInstrument NN EmployeeDepartment EmployeeDepartment N1... plays works for... plays works for
10 Process Deliverable Diagram
12 Example “Room 211 of building MIN has a capacity of 80 seats” “MIN is an abbreviation of Minnaert” “ Room 211 of building MIN is of the room type amfitheater ” “Room 211 of building MIN is equipped with a PC”
13 Let’s model (1) Capacity “Room 211 of building MIN has a capacity of 80 seats” Room Number
14 Let’s model (2) Capacity “Room 211 of building MIN has a capacity of 80 seats” Room Number “Room 211 of building MIN” Room identifier Building
15 Let’s model (3) Capacity “Room 211 of building MIN has a capacity of 80 seats” Room Number “Room 211 of building MIN” Room identifier Building “building MIN” Code
17 Conclusion Fact-oriented modeling approach Communication Oriented Conceptual level User Validated Derive ERM models or UML class diagrams
18 Questions?