1 Environmental Strategy EECCA region Sascha Gabizon Women in Europe for a Common Future WECF Tbilisi 20-21 October 2004 Some discussion points.


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Presentation transcript:

1 Environmental Strategy EECCA region Sascha Gabizon Women in Europe for a Common Future WECF Tbilisi October 2004 Some discussion points

2 Environmental Strategy WSSD Partnership between East and Western countries Aim: set targets, monitoring, allocate resources to improve environmental management Instruments: standards, monitoring, EIA, legislation, enforcement… Take decision based on facts a recommendation without data is only a good opinion Important link with the Aarhus convention, access to environmental information and justice and public participation Environmental Strategy

3 Financing key issue 90% of funds spend on environmental management from national budget (exceptions Georgia, Armenia..) EU Environmental ministries have comparable low budgets EU countries Promote financing by private sector, partnerships; higher standards of European companies Lots of money coming from others (EU EuroAid, WB, EBRD) could be spend with higher environmental benefit; examples 100 water projects Romania, EBRD support privatization water sector… These sources of financing are now counted as partnership funds

4 How to get better results Role of NGOs is essential! NGO should help set priorities Always recall - focus on prevention now! Assure public participation in monitoring, environmental impact assessments (EIA) Legal support to defend poor, powerless Watch dogs, is Government living up to its promises

5 How to get better results 2. Different NGOs can have different roles: NGOs which mobilize consumers, media, lobby NGOs that participate in development legislation NGOs that cooperate with companies in PPPs NGOs that show alternatives through demonstration projects (take the lead, bring the money)

6 How to get better results 3. Possible Actions: Propose priority indicators Make sure that not only measured what can be afforded - take preventive action now where possible Dioxin test up to USD Laboratories unable to give reliable data on pesticides in water Assure that in the Environmental Impact Assessment public participation is really broadened Take lead in partnerships Independent case studies: good and bad examples Set criteria for PPPs Do indicative tests to see if government data is reliable

7 Launched at WSSD Earth Summit Focus on Mobilizing Private Sector Funds Task Force Environmental Strategy identified 300 partnerships in EECCA countries Most initiated by Governments Funding from World Bank, EBRD, EU Tacis, Individual donor governments Many old cooperation re-baptised as Partnership NGOs participate involved in 12% Private Sector involved in 2% BUT, most technical assistance Partnerships - summary

8 Partners should be equal (ones with money decide?) Partnerships should be multi-sectorial, include e.g. NGOs, universities, local authorities Partnerships should not be green-wash or market-creation for industry Partnerships not an excuse for government in- action Not a cover for privatization of public services Partnerships often not the right instrument for the set aims (MDGs) Partnerships often dont include new environmental friendly companies, too small Partnerships; making them fair and sustainable is a challenge

9 From my experience Some examples of Positive partnerships Codes of Conduct Flowers Odessa Local Authority - NGO MAMA-86 water meters and IWRM Organic farming and promotion Unser Land Germany Romania eco-sanitation TUHH, NGOs, LAs (all NGO-based, not initiative of governments) Partnerships - positive

10 Reducing negative effects flower industry Cooperation with trade unions and NGOs in flower producing countries (Kenya, Colombia, Ecuador..) and importing countries (Netherlands, Germany, UK) Negotiate with flower industry to improve environmental and social protection by agreeing to a voluntary code of conduct among all companies Campaign among consumers to not buy bloody flowers Facts of the industry: The flower industry in Kenya supplies 40% of the flowers imported to Europe and employs 50,000 people, 90% women. Most of the firms are British or Dutch owned and have foreign managers. It currently generates some $110 million a year in revenue. Massive use of pesticides and other agro-chemicals with little or no protective clothing. Women report barrenness and blindness as a result. Pesticides accumulate more in women's bodies than men's because of more fatty tissue. Codes of Conduct

11 Unser Land partnership Partnership between farmers, NGOs, churches, local authorities, supermarkets, schools and restaurants in region around Munich, Germany Produce 40 organic local products from 180 farmers: wheat, vegetables, meat, fruits… Creating markets for healthy organic products 200 bakeries and 8 butchers buy and sell directly Agreements with 530 supermarkets, 10 restaurants 1500 volunteers, 55 part- time paid jobs

12 Leaking pipes in streets and houses make that up to 80% of water is lost on way to tab MAMA-86 and university did research on water losses inside houses Market research of available local meters Cooperated with LA to change rules Showed in a pilot project how to install water meters TV and radio covered project widely Result: in one year 74,000 water meters The city of Odessa saved 20% of its water Next steps, water source protection water meters, mobilize by saving money

13 Water partnerships; Romania - polluted water in villages 7 mio people in rural Romania drink water from wells in their garden Villages have no sewage systems and no waste management Drinking water is heavily polluted by: Human excrements Pesticides Waste dumping No reliable info about pollution of water Even best laboratory cant give reliable pesticide data

14 Private sector supplies water? For many people water too expensive If there is polluted water for free, will take polluted water misjudgement that PPPs can provide safe water for the poor Business (WBCSD) says private sector is needed to invest 15 billion euro in water and sanitation Business says water prices need to be increased and governments need to protect company ownership

15 Solutions; Preventive and affordable actions Preventive Actions: Eliminate main source of nitrates, affordable technology 6 Eco-sanitation toilets built Developing organic farming with importers from Germany and the Netherlands Partners: University Technology Hamburg, Local Authority, School, Dispensary, National and local NGOs, Water filter producers Germany

16 Burning plastic (PVC) waste in home ovens and municipal incinerators dioxins - make it a priority, preventive action

17 Thank you For more information: WECF

18 Women in Europe for a Common Future Responsibility of industrialized countries - e.g. climate change effecting the poor most Solidarity - support womens environmental organisations Build womens capacity for effective participation in (environmental) policy making Develop solutions according to womens vision - demonstration projects 60 member organisations in 30 countries