Metka Košir
I N D O - E U R O P E A N WelshIrish GaelicBreton FrenchItalianSpanishPortuguese GermanEnglishDutch NorwegianIcelandicDanishSwedish Greek Albanian Armenian SloveneCroatianSerbian PolishRussianSlovakCzech PersianHindiUrduBengali LatvianLithuanian Ukrainian FrisianFlemish Rhaeto-RomanicProvencalRomanian Scottish Gaelic Metka Košir
official language dead language artificial language everyday language specialized language standard language colloquial language dialect world language Metka Košir
Listening Speaking Reading Writing Metka Košir
lan·guage [láng gwij ] (plural lan·guages) noun 1. speech of group: the speech of a country, region, or group of people, including its diction, syntax, and grammar 2. communication with words: the human use of spoken or written words as a communication system 3. system of communication: a system of communication with its own set of conventions or special words 4. nonverbal communication between animals: a nonverbal form of communication used by birds and animals 5. nonverbal communication between humans: the use of signs, gestures, or inarticulate sounds to communicate something 6. specialist vocabulary: the characteristic forms of expression used by those in a specified group or sphere of activity 7. style of verbal expression: the verbal style by which people express themselves the language of diplomacy 8. COMPUTING See programming languageláng gwijprogramming language Metka Košir