How to influence REACH in Brussels? Opportunities and Challenges WOMEN FOR A TOXIC-FREE FUTURE Polish Women´s Seminar & Workshop Monday 6th of December 2004, Warsaw Daniela Rosche, WECF International Policy Coordinator
EU Basics European Commission European Parliament Council of the European Union
Polands representation in the EU Danuta Hübner, Commissioner, Regional Policy Polish permanent representation, Brussels 54 Polish MEPs –19 EPP (PO - PLATFORMA OBYWATELSKA) –10 PES ( SLD - SOJUSZ LEWICY DEMOKRATYCZNEJ –10 Ind/Dem (LPR - LIGA POLSKICH RODZIN ) – 7 UEN (PRAWO I SPRAWIEDLIWOŚĆ)
2005 REACH legislative process Opinions of Committees by April Parliament 1st vote: September Discussions in Council under Luxemburg presidency
REACH windows of opportunity EU January- ENVI hearing & CR lobby push ENVI and other Coms vote April-May Ad-hoc working groups under Lux presidency Poland ?
REACH- Challenges EU Strong industry lobby Position of the member states Conservative parliament Poland ?
NGO Advocacy Tools Letters to MEPs & government Talking to MEPs Talking to Min Env, Min Health, Min Economics Interviews Reports Websites:
KEY questions for discussion Is REACH important to Polish (women's) NGOs? What are major opportunities (for achieving a stronger REACH?) in EU and in Poland? What are major challenges (EU& PL)?
KEY questions for discussion Which advocacy tools have worked well in Poland in order to highlight EU (womens and environment) issues? Which advocacy tools can contribute to making a major impact? Alliances that need to be build
KEY questions for discussion Most important: HOW CAN IT BE DONE? –Opportunities for collaboration amongst Polish womens groups –Opportunities for collaboration amongst Polish womens groups and environmental groups –Which infrastructure needs exist?
Agreement on REACH
Lobby Opportunities in Poland
Lobby Opportunities in Brussels
Strategic alliances that need to build
Who to talk to in Poland?