Classroom Procedures If I know what is EXPECTED of me, I can succeed!
How do I walk around the building? I can walk DIRECTLY to where I need to go. I can walk quietly. I can walk with my eyes and body facing the front, directly behind the person in front of me. I can walk with my hands in my pockets or clasped behind my back.
How do I listen to announcements on the intercom? I can FREEZE immediately. I can stop all talking. I can listen to what is being said.
What is the restroom procedure? I can move quickly when in the restroom/water fountain area. I can wash my hands EVERY TIME. My teacher can come check on me if I take too long.
What do I do when there is a fire drill? (three long beeps) I can stop what I am doing immediately and put down anything I have. I can WALK quickly out of the doors stopping at woods. I can stay in line with my class in front of my teacher. I can remain silent. I can wait my teacher to tell me when to return to my class.
What do I do when there is a disaster drill? (three short beeps) I can stop what I am doing immediately and put down anything I have. I can WALK quickly out of the door to Ms. Ladner’s room. I can “duck and cover” at the inside wall with my class. I can remain silent. I can wait for my teacher to tell me when it is time to return to class.
How do I get dismissed in the afternoon? I can wait for my teacher to dismiss me. I can leave prepared with everything I need. I can sit quietly with my group (bus/day care, car rider, or walkers/biker) in the 4 th grade hall until a teacher walks us to the front.
What do I do if I need to see the nurse? I can discuss my problem with my teacher. I can complete a pink clinic slip if my teachers says to. I can go straight to the nurse’s office. I can come directly back when she dismisses me.
What do I need to know about the playground? I can use the playground outside the 4 th grade doors. I will have recess right after lunch. I can use the monkey bars sparingly until I build up calluses. I can use the monkey bars if I don’t have any blisters. I can stay below the monkey bars and be careful if they are hot.
What else do I need to know about the playground? I can leave sand, sticks and pine cones on the ground. I can stay away from the trees and wooded area. I can avoid football, soccer and wall ball. I can play 4 square, Frisbee, hopscotch, catch, jump rope, kickball or visit with my friends. I can fill holes I make with dirt before I leave. I can keep my hands and feet to myself. I can line up QUICKLY when my teacher calls.
What do I need to know about the dress code at Lemm? I can take off any hat or scarf before I walk into the building. I can wear appropriate shoes (tennis shoes for PE). I can wear shorts that are mid-thigh or longer. I can wear pants or shorts that are not frayed. I can wear shirts that are not tank tops.
What do I need to know about text books? I can write my name in the front of my text book. I can be responsible for the book. I can keep it covered at all times with a paper or stretchy cover. I can look through my book when I first get it and report any damage. I can let my teacher know right away if my book gets wet.
What do I need to know about the lunchroom? I can use my PIN to purchase lunch. I can get my PIN from my teacher. I can add money to my account in the morning before I go to my classroom. I can use the restroom and wash my hands BEFORE I go to lunch. I can stay in my seat and raise my hand if I need something. I can eat breakfast from 7:40 to 8:00. I can have a visitor for lunch on Fridays.
How do I line up? I can line up in line order. I can remain quiet. I can put my hands in my pockets or behind my back. I can face forward right behind the person in front of me. I can go to the end of the line next week if I am line leader this week.
What do I need to know about using a cell phone at school? I can keep my cell phone at home. I can keep my cell phone turned off and out of sight in my backpack if I need it for after school activities. I can use my cell phone when I am off school property or off the bus. I can have my cell phone taken up if I break the rules. I can pay $15 to get my cell phone back.