JUDAICA Europeana employing content & knowledge management Kick-Off Meeting London, January th 2010 Dov Winer European Association for Jewish Culture Scientific Manager, Judaica Europeana November 11, 2009
Employment of Content Support employment of content in scholarship; university teaching; museum curatorship; cultural tourism; plastic arts, music and multimedia; formal and informal education Each partner will: Organize at least two virtual exhibitions employing the digitised resources Involve at least two scholars in using Judaica Europeana knowledge management tools Involve at leas two university level courses in using Judaica Europeana resources for teaching Engage at least three schools in the Unesco project Scenes and Sounds of my City
content-strategist-as-digital- curator/
Digital Humanities The goal of researchers in the digital humanities is to integrate technology into their scholarly activities. It is defined methodologically by the belief that means of knowledge-making, dispersal, and collection are common among the disciplines that make up the liberal arts: discovering, annotating, comparing, referring, sampling, illustrating and representing. (*) discoveringannotatingcomparingreferringsampling illustratingrepresenting* tools for digitisation, image annotation, deployment of ontologies for semantic marking of documents
Deploy Knowledge Management Tools European Science Foundation COST A32 Action Open Scholarly Communities in the Web
Deploy Knowledge Management Tools
Thank you for your attention! Contact: Dov Winer Judaica Europeana Scientific Manager EAJC - European Association for Jewish Culture