JUDAICA Europeana EVA/MINERVA 2009 Jerusalem International Conference on Digitisation of Culture Dov Winer European Association for Jewish Culture Scientific.


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Presentation transcript:

JUDAICA Europeana EVA/MINERVA 2009 Jerusalem International Conference on Digitisation of Culture Dov Winer European Association for Jewish Culture Scientific Manager, Judaica Europeana November 11, 2009

Milestones T The future of Jewish Heritage in Europe: an International Conference – Prague April 2004 developing Jewish networking infrastructures

Europeana vision of 2006 A common multilingual access point would make it possible to search Europes distributed – that is to say, held in different places by different organisations – digital cultural heritage online. European Union Communiqué August 2006

Achievements Nearly 5 million objects Partner network of circa 200 institutions Object model designed Governance model Fully functioning prototype

The Europeana Universe of Projects 2009 NL 1 NL 2 NL 3 EDL National Digital Library ACE Film Archive X EurbicaNational Archive 1 MICHAEL CENL Museum X Archive X National Archive 2 Film Archive 1 Film Archive 2 Film Archive 3 National Archive 3 Library X Museum A Archive A Library A FIAT Televisio n Archive 1 Televisio n Archive n IASA Sound Archive 1 Sound Archive n ICOM Europe Museum 1 Museum 2 The European Library VideoActive ATHENA APEnet EFG ACE Culture.fr CulturaItalia BAM CIMEC etc…… EuropeanaLocal Trebleclef PrestoPrime IMPACT BHL MIMO Europeana Connect Judaica Europeana Travel EUScreen STERNA

JUDAICA Europeana Jews in European Cities in reply to the eContentPlus 2008 call for contributions to EUROPEANA – The European Digital Library 24 months project 3 million with 50% contribution of the European Commission Contribution of content on the Europeana theme of CITY: cities of the future/past - migration and diaspora - trade and industry - design, shopping and urban cool - the route to urban health - archaeology and architecture - utopias - riot and disorder - palaces and politics Other themes: Social life - Music - Crime and Punishment - Travel & tourism

Partners Hungarian Jewish Archive Coordinator

JUDAICA Europeana goals Document Jewish expression in Europe. Support content holders in identifying content that reflect the Jewish impact on European cities Digitise and aggregate this content. Synchronize standards, metadata and vocabularies, with Europeana interoperability requirements Deploy knowledge management tools to support communities of practice index, retrieve and re-use content pertinent to their areas of interest Support employment of content in scholarship; university teaching; museum curatorship; cultural tourism; plastic arts, music and multimedia; formal and informal education

Jews in European Cities – kinds of content Known celebrities – full individual expression Core of Jewish Life Jewish expressions in the urban landscape

Jews in European Cities

Jews and the City Prof. Steven Zipperstein, in a seminal article, points to the anti-urban bias of most of the Jewish historiography and how this began to change at the end of the 20 th Century: Zipperstein, S. (1987). Jewish Historiography and the Modern City. Jewish History V2, pp The Jewish Century by Yuri Slezkine (2004): Modernization is about everyone becoming urban, mobile, literate, articulate, intellectually intricate, physically fastidious, and occupationally flexible. It is about learning how to cultivate people and symbols, not fields and herds. It is about pursuing wealth for the sake of learning, learning for the sake of wealth, and both wealth and learning for their own sake. It is about transforming peasants and princes into merchants and priests, replacing inherited privilege with acquired prestige, and dismantling social estates for the benefit of individuals, nuclear families, and book- reading tribes (nations). Modernization, in other words, is about everyone becoming Jewish. (Slezkine, 2004). Yuri Slezkine, The Jewish Century. Princeton: Princeton University Press, For the first chapter see

Digitise, aggregate, metadata & vocabularies EUROPEANA will be integral part of the Web of Knowledge Linked Data – the RDF Web, Web as a database Building units: URIs (Uniform Resource Identifiers) in RDF (Resource Description Framework) triplets: Subject, Predicate, Object EUROPEANA Metadata schemata ESE – Europeana Semantic Elements MUSEUM Dat - Adopted by Athena for Museums APENET recommendations for Archives Vocabularies as Hubs in the Web of Knowledge: SKOS – Simple Knowledge Organisation System

10/02/09 Digitise, aggregate, metadata & vocabularies

Deploy Knowledge Management Tools

European Science Foundation COST A32 Action Open Scholarly Communities in the Web

Employment of Content Support employment of content in scholarship; university teaching; museum curatorship; cultural tourism; plastic arts, music and multimedia; formal and informal education Each partner will: Organize at least two virtual exhibitions employing the digitised resources Involve at least two scholars in using Judaica Europeana knowledge management tools Involve at leas two university level courses in using Judaica Europeana resources for teaching Engage at least three schools in the Unesco project Scenes and Sounds of my City

Thank you for your attention! Contact: Dov Winer Judaica Europeana Scientific Manager EAJC - European Association for Jewish Culture