Digital innovation and access to Europe's heritage online: the strategy of Jon Purday Senior Communications Advisor
Europeana facts Portal integrating Europes digitised books, films, images, sounds 20 million items available 1500 museums, libraries, archives and audiovisual collections Working with aggregators: 20 projects in different domains or subject areas National initiatives in many countries: Culture Grid in the UK
From Dada to Surrealism: Jewish Avant-Garde Artists from Romania,
Innovation in support of: The Digital Agenda for Europe "Europe has probably the world's greatest cultural heritage. It cannot afford to miss the opportunities offered by digitisation. Digitisation brings culture into people's homes and is a valuable resource for education, tourism, games, animation and the whole creative industry. Investing in digitisation will create new companies and generate new jobs." Neelie Kroes, Commission Vice-President for the Digital Agenda
Running Hackathons to develop innovative new apps
Linked Open Data initiatives
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