R10 Annual General Meeting Name: Michael Ong Committee: Region 10 Individual Benefits and Services Coordinator 2013–14 2 March 2013 Chiangmai, Thailand
IEEE membership discounts currently available in Region DELL member purchase program in Australia, China, India, Japan and New Zealand 2. Mozy.com (online backup service) 3. Clements Worldwide Life Insurance 4. Risk management course 5. Car rental: National and Alamo 6. Microsoft student offer 7. IEEE credit card in Singapore 8. Corporate memberships in Singapore: a. Singapore Science Centre (1M+4G) b. Singapore Zoo (1M+3G) c. 8 Singapore Museums (1M+4G)
Individual Benefits & Services Committee (IB&SC) Objectives 1.Summarize and communicate all IEEE benefits that are relevant to R10 members. Surveys by countries. 2.Identify and reward Sections with good benefit schemes that have creative local membership activities. 3.Identify two new benefits for R10. Tasks 1.To conduct surveys in different countries for the types of benefits that members will be interested in and to communicate the IEEE benefits. 2.To solicit ideas from the Sections on what they want for individual benefits and services and to reward outstanding Section membership activities. 3.To propose two new R10 benefits for IB&SC review and recommendation to MGA board. Project /Task Measurable Project 1 a. Surveys by countries and by grades b. Identify the members’ interests c. Results and feedback of surveys Project 2 a. Working with Sections b. Benefit schemes by the Sections c. Improvement of current schemes d. Recommend new benefit schemes e. Reward Sections with exceptional membership activities by having good benefit schemes Project 3 a. Identify 2 new benefits for R10 b. Work closely with Lance Fung for proposals to IB&S committee c. Quality of proposals Committee Structure 1.Chair: Michael Ong 2.Members: Darrel, Kukjin, Elmer & Om Budget 1.Project 1: $800 2.Project 2: $ Project 3: $1000 Total Proposed Budget: $2800 Timelines 1.Project 1: Completion by Sep Project 2: Completion by Dec Project 3: Identify 2 new benefits by Jul 2013 Completion by Dec 2013
Appendices: Project 1 o Surveys for members by countries and by grades o To identify the types of benefits that members will be interested in o Results and feedback of surveys o Budget breakdown o Expenses - $800 o Project Milestones leading to completion o Survey completed o New benefits identified o Benefits implemented
Appendices: Project 2 o Work with Sections o To identify the existing benefits schemes and to improve upon them o Propose new benefit schemes from feedbacks and surveys o Membership retention and reward Sections with excellent membership activities o Budget breakdown o Expenses $1000 o 1st prize $500 o 2 nd prize $300 o 3 rd prize $200 o Project Milestones leading to completion o Work with Sections with existing benefits schemes o Improvements to the schemes o Reward Sections with outstanding membership activities
Appendices: Project 3 o Identify and propose 2 new benefits for R10 o Quality of the proposals o Budget breakdown o Expenses - $1000 o Project Milestones leading to completion o Identify and propose new benefits o Recommendations to the MGA IBSC o Work closely with Lance Fung