Lecture Density Matrix Formalism A tool used to describe the state of a spin ensemble, as well as its evolution in time. The expectation value X-component of the magnetic moment of nucleus A: Where is the wave function and is a linear combination of the eigenstates of the form: Where |n> are the solution of the time-independent Schroedinger equation. The “bra, <n| and “ket, |n>”, and the angular momentum operator can be written in the matrix form as: I XA = Thus:
The N 2 terms can be put in the matrix form as follow: Where = d* mn, i.e. D is a Hermitian matrix Thus, = N o A The angular momentum operators for spin ½ systems are: For spin 1: For a coupled A(½ )X(½) system
Using the expression: = -(4/p)M oA (d 11 /2 – d 22 /2 + d 33 /2 – d 44 /2) Where And Remember and Similarly: and In modern NMR spectrometers we normally do quadrature detection, i.e. For nucleus A we have: Similarly, for nucleus X: The density matrix at thermal equilibrium: Thus, if n ≠ m and Evolution of the density matrix can be obtained by solving the Schoedinger equation to give: Effect of radiofrequency pulse: Where R is the rotation matrix
For an isolated spin ½ system: For A(½)X(½) system:
Density matrix description of the 2D heteronuclear correlated spectroscopy For a coupled two spin ½ system, AX there are four energy states (Fig. I.1); (1) |++>; (2) |-+>; (3) |+->, and (4) |-->. The resonance frequencies for observable single quantum transitions (flip or flop) among these states are: 1Q A: 12 (|++> |-+>)= A + J/2; 24 (|-+> |-- >)= X - J/2; 1Q x : 13 (|++> |+->)= X + J/2; 34 (|+-> |-->)= A - J/2; Other unobservable transitions are: Double quantum transition 2Q AX (Flip-flip): |++> |--> (flop-flop): |--> |++> Zero quantum transitions (flip-flop): ZQ AX : |+-> |-+> or |-+> |+-> Density matrix of the coupled spin system is shown on Table I.1. The diagonal elements are the populations of the states. The off-diagonal elements represent the probabilities of the corresponding transitions. (uncoupled)(coupled) (1) (2) (3) (4)
1. Equilibrium populations: At 4.7 T: For a CH system, A = 13 C and X = 1 H and x 4 C q 4p Thus, Hence: where 4 Therefore, Unitary matrix
2. The first pulse: where The pulse created 1Q X (proton) (non-vanishing d 13 and d 24 ) 3. Evolution from t(1) to t(2):
To calculate D(2) we need to calculate the evolution of only the non-vanishing elements, i.e. d 13 and d 24 in the rotating frame. are the rotating frame resonance frequencies of spin A and X, respectively, and TrH is the transmitter (or reference) frequency. Hence: where B* and C* are the complex conjugates of B and C, respectively. 4. The second pulse (rotation w.r.t. 13 C): D(3) = R 180XC D(2)R XC = 5. Evolution from t(3) to t(4): ( is lab frame and is rotating frame resonance frequency) Substituting B and C into the equations we get: J is absent Decoupled due to spin echo sequence +
6. The role of 1 (Evolution with coupling): and Let = 1/2J and We have: Let Thus, 7. The third and fourth pulses: Combine the two rotations into one and
D(7) = R 180XC D(2)R -1180XC = D(5) Proton magnetization, d 13 and d 24 has been transferred to the carbon magnetization, d 12 and d 34 with and 8. The role of 2 : Signal is proportional to d 12 +d 34 we can’t detect signal at this time otherwise s will cancel out. The effect of 2 is as follow (Only non-vanishing elements, d 12 and d 13 need to be considered: Hence: For 2 = 0 the terms containing s cancel. For 2 = 1/2J we have: 9. Detection: During this time proton is decoupled and only 13 C evolve. Thus,
As described in Appendix B, in a quasrature detectin mode the total magnetization M TC is: if we reintroduce the p/4 factor. Thus, This is the final signal to be detected. The 13 C signal evolve during detection time, t d at a freqquency H and is amplitude modulated by proton evolution The. Fourier transform with respect to t d and t e results in a 2D HETCOR spectrum as shown on Fig. I.3a. The peak at - H is due to transformation of sine function due to The negative peak can be removed by careful placing the reference frequency and the spectral width or by phase cycling. If there is no 180 o pulse during t e we will see spectrum I.3.b If there is also no 1 H decoupling is during detection we will get spectrum I.3.c.