Getinge Group
Shaping Health Care of tomorrow Net Sales10.9 billion SEK INFECTION CONTROL Production units10 Sales companies25 EXTENDED CARE Production units5 Sales companies24 MEDICAL SYSTEMS Production units5 Sales companies23
Shaping Health Care of tomorrow
Revenues3,524 MSEK EBITA margin15.2 % Infection Control- Fact sheet 2004 numbers
Revenues2,701 MSEK EBITA margin18.9 % Extended Care – Fact sheet 2004 Numbers
Revenues4,620 MSEK EBITA margin15.4 % Medical Systems – Fact sheet 2004 Numbers
Getinge Group Development
Financial deficits and unaffordabl e health care insurances Shift in power balance Technology breakthrough Fundamental increase in demand Increased management of reimbursements Increased use of competition Increased co-payment Cost containment Our customers in health care respond to the changes by… Getinge has gained a competitive position in health care that will be further strengthened by current trends
Health care policy makers will increasingly look for privatisation and market testing as tools to achieve cost efficiency Activity based reimbursements continue to drive process efficiency Focus on core competencies in medical processes Elective care will be provided in outpatient facilities Financial Targets Our customers in the healthcare industry respond to the changes by…
Positive Outcomes A competent solution provider in well defined niches of the health care industry – offering solutions that enhance customers’ productivity over time
Global leadership Strategic Cornerstones
Global leadership We strive to be a global No 1 or No 2 in the product areas focused. Market leadership will help us attain cost leadership through scale Infection Control SterilizationNo 1 DisinfectionNo 1 Extended Care Patient HandlingNo 1 Hygiene SystemsNo 1 Wound CareNo 4 Medical Systems Surgical TablesNo 1 Surgical LightsNo 1 Ceiling PendantsNo 3 CardiopulmonaryNo 3 VentilationNo 1
Global leadership Innovative solutions Strategic Cornerstones
Innovative Solutions We strive to combine the strength of our leading product positions and the depth of our know-how to offer innovative solutions that lead to process improvements for our customers Sterilization Disinfection Load Handling IT-systems Hygiene Systems Patient Handling Wound Care Surgical Tables Surgical Lights Pendants Integrated solutions for surgical interventions Integrated Infection Control solutions Integrated solutions for health care ergonomics
Competitive position CostInnovation Products System Innovations Leadership Getinge Our competitive position will be based on cost leadership and innovations in solutions
Global leadership Innovative solutions Direct Sales and Service approach Strategic Cornerstones
A direct approach to our customers is crucial to our succcess Getinge will strive to establish own distribution companies whenever justifiable Solution provider Transfer and exchange of know-how Control all parameters that define customer satisfaction Control the profitable after-sales market Direct Sales & Service Approach
Growth is the backbone of our development to remain a dynamic and attractive company and to fund our targeted expansion Growth in pretax earnings > 15% p a Cash-flow to sustain external growth rate > 10% p a Financial Targets
CAGR 23% Results
TargetA2004 Organic growth4 – 5 % EBITA margin~ 16 % 15.2 % TargetA2004 Organic growth~ 7 % EBITA margin ~ 19 % 18.9 % TargetA2004 Organic growth~ 5 % EBITA margin ~ 17 % 15.4 % GROUPTargetA2004 Organic growth ~ 5 % + EBITA margin~ 17 % % Financial Targets by Business Area
2004 Financials
Getinge AB - Financials (MSEK) Change Change Q 4 12 Mon Orders received 2,9812,67511%10,8129,15418% Net sales 3,4772,92919%10,8899,16019% EBITA %1,7571,44921% EBITA % 19.6%18.6%16.1%15.8% EBIT %1,5051,25720% EBIT % 17.9%16.3%13.8%13.7% Profit before tax %1,3091,09520%
Getinge AB - Key figures (MSEK) Q 4 12 Mon Operating Cash Flow, MSEK ,8781,980 Net debt, MSEK 4,7054,852 Equity / Assets ratio, % 33.1%29.3% Net debt / Equity ratio, multiple Interest cover, multiple
The Getinge group will reach its growth targets by: Development of existing positions Organic growth Bolt-on acquisitions Acquisitions of new globally leading product lines that will strengthen our position as an innovative provider of solutions Strategy for Growth
Strategy for growth 2004 – 2007 Infection Control Principally organic growth supplemented by bolt-on acquisitions to reach new geographical territories, add new technologies in existing product lines Strengthen solution provider capabilities Focused approach towards the global Life Science industry Geographical expansion Continue to strengthen competitiveness through improved production structure and logistics
Strategy for growth 2004 – 2007 Extended Care Principally organic growth on existing markets supplemented by bolt-on acquisitions to add new technologies in existing product lines Total bed-side management in elderly care Enter the hospital market / bariatric care Improved supply chain for increased competitiveness
Strategy for growth 2004 – 2007 Medical Systems Organic growth on existing markets and existing product lines Acquisitions of new globally leading product lines that will strengthen our position as an innovative solution provider with special emphasis on critical care and cardiac surgery Position as provider of integrated solutions Strengthen sales network in developing economies and North America Continue to strengthen product leadership position Develop Critical Care product portfolio through acquisitions
Getinge has gained a competitive position in its market that will be further strengthened by current trends Infection Control is positioned to achieve solid organic growth over coming years. Efforts and activities to improve the production structure and logistics will strengthen competitiveness Extended Care is establishing a product portfolio capable of delivering higher levels of organic growth. The hospital market for ergonomic solutions is an untapped opportunity that will be addressed Medical Systems has created a strong base for continued external expansion in a dynamic environment. Significant scope for organic growth on emerging markets and in North America Solid base - bright future