Research and Innovation Research and Innovation Research and Innovation Research and Innovation How can networking in Science and Technology help SMEs meet the Innovation Union goals? Clara de la Torre Director Research and Innovation Directorate DG Research and Innovation
Policy Research and Innovation Research and Innovation SMEs, entrepreneurs, innovation, at the core of EU2020 strategy for a smart, sustainable and inclusive economy that grows COSME Regional funds HORIZON 2020 The Context EU2020 DEAS MARKET
Policy Research and Innovation Research and Innovation EU2020 Flagship Innovation Union RESEARCH BUSINESS > SMEs Recent Advances for SME support: Unitary Patent Protection Standardisation Package Venture Capital Regime More Modern Public Procurement SMART INVESTMENT GROWTH
Policy Research and Innovation Research and Innovation SME SUPPORT FP7 SMART INVESTMENT 16.7 % of the Cooperation Programme Budget to SMEs (20/1/2013) 74.5 % of grants signed under the Cooperation Programme include at least one SME (30/9/2012) Ca. 7 billion Euros to be spent on SMEs (end of FP7) Access to new knowledge, networks, partners, markets, customers! BUT… -Exploitation of results? -Strategic business innovation? -Smart, sustainable, inclusive GROWTH?
Policy Research and Innovation Research and Innovation PRIORITIES HORIZON 2020 Industrial Leadership Leadership in enabling and industrial technologies (LEITs) Access to risk finance Innovation in SMEs M€* Excellent Science European Research Council (ERC) Future and Emerging Technologies (FET) Marie Curie Actions Research infrastructure M€* Societal Challenges Health, demographic change and well-being Food security, sustainable agriculture, marine and maritime research, and the bio-economy Secure, clean and efficient energy Smart, green and integrated transport Climate action, resource efficiency and raw materials Inclusive, innovative and secure societies EIT M€* *in current prices
Policy Research and Innovation Research and Innovation from A diverse set of SME support programmes towards INTEGRATIVE architecture “Synergies of support measures” SYSTEM SHIFT STRUCTURE HORIZON 2020
Policy Research and Innovation Research and Innovation Strategic positioning R&D driven projects Market opportunity driven projects Horizon 2020 SME instrument Target: Business innovation motivated SMEs Eurostars Target: R&D intensive SME Horizon 2020 Collaborative Research Target: R&D topics SME SUPPORT HORIZON 2020
Policy Research and Innovation Research and Innovation ? IDEAcontinued support throughout the projectMARKET Concept & Feasibility Assessment Demonstration Market Replication R&D Commercialisation Idea to concept, risk assessment, technological & commercial feasibility Demonstration, prototyping, testing, market replication, scaling up, miniaturisation, research Quality label for successful projects, access to risk finance, indirect support SME window EU financial facilities SME instrument SME SUPPORT HORIZON 2020
Policy Research and Innovation Research and Innovation Targeted at all types of innovative SMEs Only SMEs allowed to apply for funding (single company support possible) Competitive Market-oriented, EU dimension Bottom-up while addressing societal challenges and/or key enabling technologies Grant-based staged funding SME instrument main features SME SUPPORT HORIZON 2020
Policy Research and Innovation Research and Innovation Key Activities for SMEs All forms of R&D and all forms of innovation, towards exploitation and commercialisation SME participation in collaborative R&D or innovation projects (all three priorities) SME instrument (budget from all societal challenges as well as from the LEITs) Innovation in start-ups, spin-offs and young companies (Eurostars and other measures) Exchange and mobility of researchers involving SMEs (Marie Curie actions) Benefit from Enterprise Europe Network Access to risk finance (debt and equity facility) SME SUPPORT HORIZON 2020
Policy Research and Innovation Research and Innovation More Networking EU cohesion policy 'Stairways to Excellence' through Smart Specialisation Financial Support from Member-States and ERDF Distinct EU added value Communication 2.0 / Dialogue SME conference SME SUPPORT HORIZON 2020
Policy Research and Innovation Research and Innovation Ambition! 53% of "innovative" companies but relatively little internationalisation (Eurostat 7 th community innovation survey) Networking creates opportunities for more cooperation and better synergies We are eager to discuss with and to learn from you To end with…