Factors Associated with Changes in Visual Acuity and OCT Thickness at 1 Year after Treatment for Diabetic Macular Edema Sponsored by the National Eye Institute, National Institutes of Health, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services 1
Laser-Ranibizumab-Triamcinolone Randomized Clinical Trial for DME: Mean Change in Visual Acuity * 2 * Values that were ±30 letters were assigned a value of 30 P-values for difference in mean change in visual acuity from sham+prompt laser at the 52-week visit: ranibizumab+prompt laser <0.001; ranibizumab+deferred laser <0.001; and triamcinolone+prompt laser=0.31. weeks Letters Improved
To identify factors associated with improvement of visual acuity, and those associated with improvement in OCT CSF at 1 year in the ranibizumab treated eyes Because 1-year outcomes were similar, data from the two ranibizumab arms in the trial (361 eyes) were pooled for this analysis Purpose 3
Poisson regression models adjusted for baseline* were used to evaluate the association of 37 assorted baseline factors: Demographic Clinical OCT Fundus photographic variables with visual acuity/OCT CSF improvement from baseline to 1 year Statistical Methods: Model 1 *Vision analyses adjusted for baseline VA; OCT analyses adjusted for baseline CSF 4
OCT improvement at various time points and VA at 1 year was evaluated to explore the impact of anatomic changes during ranibizumab treatment on the visual outcome at 1 year. Statistical Methods: Model 2 5
OCT CSF improvement* Improved at all times (4, 8, and 12 months) : “early and consistent” Improved at 4 month but not sustained at both 8 and 12 month: “early but inconsistent” Not improved at 4 month but improved at 8 and/or 12 month: “late bloomers” Not improved at any time (4, 8, and 12 months): “never/evers” Methods: Factors Evaluated in Model 2 Included Select Follow-up Variables *improvement of ≥20% reduction in CSF vs. baseline 6
Methods: Factors Evaluated Model 1 and Model 2 Participant Characteristics at Baseline Race/Ethnicity Gender Diabetes type Diabetes duration Age Insulin use Mean arterial blood pressure* HbA1c* 7 * obtained on exam
Participant Characteristics obtained by History at Baseline (continued) Hypertension Elevated cholesterol Cardiovascular disease Renal disease Neurologic disease Prescribed glitazones Prescribed statins Methods: Factors Evaluated Model 1 and Model 2 Methods: Factors Evaluated Model 1 and Model 2 8
Historical Ocular Characteristics present at Baseline Prior DME treatment Timing of most recent prior DME treatment Prior laser for DME Timing of prior laser for DME Prior PRP Timing of prior PRP Timing of prior cataract extraction History of YAG capsulotomy Methods: Factors Evaluated Model 1 and Model 2 Methods: Factors Evaluated Model 1 and Model 2 9
Baseline Ocular Characteristics on exam: Visual acuity Visual acuity in non-study eye Lens status Diabetic Retinopathy Severity on clinical exam (investigator assessment) Type of DME on clinical exam (investigator assessment ) Methods: Factors Evaluated Model 1 and Model 2 Methods: Factors Evaluated Model 1 and Model 2 10
Baseline OCT Characteristics per Reading Center Central subfield thickness Retinal volume Cystoid abnormalities Subretinal fluid Vitreoretinal abnormalities Methods: Factors Evaluated Model 1 and Model 2 Methods: Factors Evaluated Model 1 and Model 2 11
Baseline Ocular Characteristics provided by Photograph Reading Center Diabetic Retinopathy Severity Level Hemorrhages/Microaneurysms severity in macular grid Hard exudates Surface wrinkling retinopathy Methods: Factors Evaluated Model 1 and Model 2 Methods: Factors Evaluated Model 1 and Model 2 12
Visual Acuity: Continuous outcome: VA change from baseline Binary outcomes ≥10 letter improvement ≥15 letter improvement ≥ 20/32 (restricted to eyes < 20/32 at baseline) OCT: Continuous outcome: CSF change from baseline Binary outcomes 20% or more reduction in CSF 50% or more reduction in CSF CSF < 250 and decrease of ≥ 25 µm from baseline Outcome Measures at 1 Year Model 1 and Model 2 Outcome Measures at 1 Year Model 1 and Model 2 13
Results of Multivariate Model 1 for Vision or CSF Change Results of Multivariate Model 1 for Vision or CSF Change 14
Baseline Characteristics Associated with 1 Year Visual Acuity Change 15
Association between Baseline CSF and 1 Yr Change in CSF 16
Baseline OCT CSF (P < 0.001) For every 100 µm thicker baseline OCT CSF, 1 year CSF decreased an additional 70 µm on average Baseline Factors Associated with CSF Change (continuous variable) Baseline Factors Associated with CSF Change (continuous variable) 17
Thicker baseline OCT CSF was associated with 20% or 50% reduction in thickness (P < 0.001) No baseline factors were associated with CSF < 250 and decrease of ≥ 25 µm from baseline Baseline Factors Associated with Binary CSF Outcomes Baseline Factors Associated with Binary CSF Outcomes 18
Results of Multivariate Model 2 for Vision or CSF Change (Includes Select Ocular Factors During Follow -Up) Results of Multivariate Model 2 for Vision or CSF Change (Includes Select Ocular Factors During Follow -Up) 19
Relationship between CSF Improvement During Follow-up and Vision Outcome 20 (p<0.001)
Baseline Visual Acuity (P < 0.001) Similar magnitude to model 1 CSF improvement during follow-up (P < 0.001) Baseline or Select Follow-up Factors Associated with Visual Acuity Change (continuous variable) Baseline or Select Follow-up Factors Associated with Visual Acuity Change (continuous variable) 21
Baseline visual acuity (P < 0.001) Lower (worse) levels of initial VA more likely to improve at least 10 or 15 letters Higher (better) levels of initial VA more likely to achieve 20/32 or better VA of >20/32 at 1-year was achieved by 76% of eyes with ≥ 66 letters at baseline compared to 38% of eyes with < 66 letters Factors Associated with VA Binary Outcomes Model 1 and Model 2 Factors Associated with VA Binary Outcomes Model 1 and Model 2 22
Summary 23 Baseline visual acuity was the only consistent baseline predictor of 1 year vision outcomes Baseline CSF was the only consistent baseline predictor of 1 year CSF outcomes Results may be due to ceiling and floor effects of these variables Highlights importance of noting baseline values of cohort to understand magnitude of vision and OCT outcomes
Summary 24 CSF improvement prior to 1 year was also associated with 1 year vision outcomes
Thank you! Susan B. Bressler Haijing Qin The Diabetic Retinopathy Clinical Research Network Subjects Investigators Staff 25