S.Noiret: Online Postwar European History1 Serge Noiret European University Institute: Scholarly web sites for Postwar History of Europe in Online Postwar.


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Presentation transcript:

S.Noiret: Online Postwar European History1 Serge Noiret European University Institute: Scholarly web sites for Postwar History of Europe in Online Postwar European History Online Postwar European History Atelier Multimédia Wednesday 18th of November 2009, 2-5 p.m. European University Institute Historical Archives of the European Union – HAEU Villa Il Poggiolo, Piazza Edison, Firenze

S.Noiret: Online Postwar European History2 -Digital History, a method or a field? -Digital abundance v. scarcity -Web History -Web Sites Contents for the History of Postwar Europe (not only integration) 1.Primary Sources 2.Secondary literature & Historiography 3.Reference services & Portals 4.E-learning & E-teaching

S.Noiret: Online Postwar European History3 Libraries

4 Europeana

5 TEL - European Library

S.Noiret: Online Postwar European History6 EU Bookshop

S.Noiret: Online Postwar European History7 Archives and Invented Archives

S.Noiret: Online Postwar European History8 Historical Archives of the European Union - HAEU

S.Noiret: Online Postwar European History9 European Commission: Historical Archives

S.Noiret: Online Postwar European History10 ENA: European navigator

S.Noiret: Online Postwar European History11 Archives of Ministries of Foreign Affairs of the European Union and European Institutions: European Integration database

S.Noiret: Online Postwar European History12 Euro - Archives

S.Noiret: Online Postwar European History13 Archives for European Integration (AEI)

S.Noiret: Online Postwar European History14 EuroDocs: Online Sources for European History

S.Noiret: Online Postwar European History15 European Archive

S.Noiret: Online Postwar European History16 Universities

S.Noiret: Online Postwar European History17 Institutional Repository of EUI Publications - Cadmus

S.Noiret: Online Postwar European History18 European Union History Universiteit Leiden

S.Noiret: Online Postwar European History19 Changing Europe Doctoral Summer School

S.Noiret: Online Postwar European History20 EuropressResearch

S.Noiret: Online Postwar European History21 Tensions of Europe Network (TOE)

S.Noiret: Online Postwar European History22 Tensions of Europe - Eurocores program "Inventing Europe" Ongoing online publication of a working paper series dedicated to investigating the "hidden integration of Europe." The common thread running through the papers is that the making of Europe considerably antedates its recent emergence as a political entity. In fact, visible political Europe has been built on "invisible" imaginary and real infrastructures and on shared technologies and user practices. Ongoing online publication of a working paper series dedicated to investigating the "hidden integration of Europe." The common thread running through the papers is that the making of Europe considerably antedates its recent emergence as a political entity. In fact, visible political Europe has been built on "invisible" imaginary and real infrastructures and on shared technologies and user practices. The TOE/IE Working Papers Series can be of interest to scholars working in the history of technologies and infrastructures, European history, transnational history, history of European nations, water history, economic and business history, urban history, transport history, history of travel and tourism, environmental history, and womens' history. The TOE/IE Working Papers Series can be of interest to scholars working in the history of technologies and infrastructures, European history, transnational history, history of European nations, water history, economic and business history, urban history, transport history, history of travel and tourism, environmental history, and womens' history.

S.Noiret: Online Postwar European History23 Connecting Europe with Technology: Europe Interrupted

S.Noiret: Online Postwar European History24 Institut für Europäische Geschichte Mainz

S.Noiret: Online Postwar European History25 Digital Atlas on the History of Europe after 1500

S.Noiret: Online Postwar European History26 European Research Paper archive

S.Noiret: Online Postwar European History27 OstDok - Osteuropadokumente im Open Access

S.Noiret: Online Postwar European History28 European organizations

S.Noiret: Online Postwar European History29 ISHA: International Students of History Association

S.Noiret: Online Postwar European History30 EuroClio: European Association of History Educators

S.Noiret: Online Postwar European History31 RICHIE – International Research Network of Young Historians of European Integration

S.Noiret: Online Postwar European History32 HEIRS – History of European Integration Research Society

S.Noiret: Online Postwar European History33 CLIOH.Net and CLIOH.Net2

S.Noiret: Online Postwar European History34 Clioh-World

S.Noiret: Online Postwar European History35 CLIOHRES.net

S.Noiret: Online Postwar European History36 Portals

S.Noiret: Online Postwar European History37 MICHAEL

S.Noiret: Online Postwar European History38 Driver: Digital repository Infrastructure Vision for European Research

S.Noiret: Online Postwar European History39 ViFaOst - Virtuelle Fachbibliothek Osteuropa

S.Noiret: Online Postwar European History40 Western European Studies Section - WESS

S.Noiret: Online Postwar European History41 EHPS – European History Primary Sources

S.Noiret: Online Postwar European History42 European Integration History Index

S.Noiret: Online Postwar European History43 EuroInternet