More Basic HTML
Add spacing (single & double space) Save Refresh Add horizontal rule Add comments Add styles Add headings Add features Add alignments Add font Add color Today you will learn how to…
Spacing Add white space to the Web Page which affects its structure, layout as well as helps with readability. A web browser is a free-form document meaning that any spaces or blank lines have no effect on the browser unless they are “TAGGED”.
On the Notepad, you can actually use the spacebar, return & tab keys to type the tags, text and the different sections. BUT the Browser will IGNORE all of this. – everything will be as 1 long single spaced line or paragraph. Spacing Continues
Spacing Tags: Line Break: isn’t a set, used to break the line without putting a space between the lines, acts like a Single Space. Paragraph: used to add space between paragraphs, acts like a Double Space. Horizontal Rule: isn't a set, adds a visible horizontal line, used to make sections. You can use as many spacing tags as needed.
Comment Tag When you want to add notes or comments to a section or the entire web page use this tag It doesn’t show up in the browser. Comments should be short. Can be used anywhere in the document.
Let’s Practice Adding Various Spacing
If needed, open both the browser and notepad of My1stWebPage.html After the 1 st sentence This is my very first “Web Page” type the following text from this & the next slide with each statement on a separate line and all before the closing tag: I think Web Design is a great thing to learn because… I've learned in Web Design that a br tag lets you create a… Line Break.
My name is {insert your name} and I go to {insert your name} High School. I am in the _?_ grade. I am learning to create web sites in IDT class and so far I have just learned the basic tags Now, it’s Time to Save & Learn to Refresh Click File Save
How to View Changes
Refreshing the Browser to See the Changes 11 Switch to your My1stWebPage browser screen. You will notice none of the additional text you typed was added though you just saved. That’s because you must always Refresh the Browser each and every time you Save the Notepad. Click View Refresh
Let’s Practice Refreshing
Click the Refresh button or SELECT View Refresh
Wow, look at your web page!
Adding Some Style & Heading
Style Tags - bold text - underline text - italic text
Heading Tags Are used to separate text and introduce new topics, titles or subtitles on web pages. They’re Bold & Double Spaced. So, no need for, /p> or. Come in different sizes – Largest heading – – Average heading – – Smallest heading
Let’s Practice Adding Style & Heading Tags
Switch back to your Notepad and after the last you typed, add the following text: Heading 1 - Biggest Size Heading 2 Heading 3 – Average Heading 4 Heading 5 Heading 6- Smallest Size
Now, lets add some Style to the previously typed text: Put a on either side of “great” in the paragraph that starts “I think Web Design…” but before the Put an on either side of your name in the paragraph that starts “My name is_______...” but before the Put a on either side of the text “Heading 4” but before the Save the Notepad & Refresh the Browser
Don’t forget to Refresh your Browser to see the new changes.
Tags & Tags Features
Tags and Features (Add-Ons) Tags (singles or sets) will have Attributes or Features. Let’s call the tag features “Add-On’s”. Add-On’s allow tags to have additional features such as size, color, width, etc… Add-On’s will always go after the opening tag only and never in the closing tag, if it’s a set.
Changing the Appearance of the Horizontal Rule To Change the Width or Length – Thickness or Height - Alignment – Combine the add-on when needed -
Font and its “Add-ons” Font size ranges from is Tiny font 3 is normal - like Word size 12 7 is huge To change the Font Size text here
Font Face – changes the appearance of the font such as Arial or Comic Sans. text You can combine all of the font tag’s add-ons in one tag if they apply to the same text:
ALIGNING TEXT To Align using the Paragraph Tag: type here To Align using the Heading Tag: type here Centers anything text
Let’s Practice Changing Horizontal Rule and Font
Switch back to your Notepad. Now, pick one of the to change the width, size & alignment by adding the code below inside the : width=50% size=10 align=“right” Now Type Now Type: width=50% size=10 align=“right” on either side of “This is my very first “WEB PAGE”!!! Save the Notepad & Refresh the Browser
Adding Colors
What’s the Deal with Colors? Color can be added to every element on a web page. Many tags will use the “color” add-on to change the color. Can use the color’s name such as “blue” or the Hexadecimal such as #CCFF00 For example: White or #FFFFFF Black or # Red or #FF0000 Green or #00FF00 Blue or #0000FF Yellow or #FFFF00 Gray or #808080Purple or # Fuchsia or #FF00FFLime or #00FF00
Adding Color Web safe colors are provided on Color Charts b-safe.htmlhttp:// b-safe.html Coloring the Background a solid color
Adding Color Continues Coloring the Horizontal Rule Coloring All Words: Color Some Words, sentence or paragraph: Words Don’t forget that you can Combine
Let’s Practice Adding Colors Some Made up Colors might not work
Changing the Background Color Inside the tag type: bgcolor=“gray” Now try changing the “gray” to #FFB573 Now change it to whatever color you want. Changing the Body Color: Inside the but before the bgcolor add-on type: text=“white” Now change it to whatever color you want.
Change the Horizontal Rule: pick a to change the color by typing inside of it color=“blue” Change the Font Color, Size & Face: Add to the on either side of “I am learning to create web sites in IDT class” Save the Notepad & Refresh the Browser
your colors might be different
You Are Well On Your Way to Being an Excellent Web Master!
Quitting Notepad and a Browser 40 Click the Close button on the browser title bar Click the Close button on the Notepad window title bar
Recap Activity Tell your teacher when you have completed the web page Begin completing the Tags worksheet on my web page from the 1 st 2 PowerPoints. Save as instructed. Tags to Remember:,,,, -,,, Add-On’s color, size, width align, face, text, bgcolor