1 Introduction to HTML Joshua S. Simon Collective Technologies
2 Overview What a URL is How the HTTP protocol works How to create a simple HTML document How to add hypertext links How to add color and graphics
3 Uniform Resource Locator (URL) Format: protocol :// user : server : port / path / document [# reference |? query ] Not all fields always required
4 HyperText Transfer Protocol (HTTP) Client sends request ( HEAD, GET, PUT ) Server replies with response code (3-digit) response text (string) document (depending on code) Client displays document or error to user
5 Creating HTML documents Plain text file Specific format Markup tags
6 Format of an HTML document Optional description HTML container Header Body Address
7 A simple HTML document HTML code: Hello, world!
8 A simple HTML document: results Generates:
9 Adding a title to the header The HEAD container The TITLE container The META tag The LINK container
10 Using HEAD and TITLE HTML code fragment: My First HTML
11 Using HEAD and TITLE : results Generates:
12 Body of the document Default colors typically black-on-gray, blue links Can change them on a per-document basis
13 Changing colors BODY container options: BGCOLOR -- Document background color TEXT -- Color of the text ALINK -- Color of actively-selected links LINK -- Color of unfollowed links VLINK -- Color of followed links Colors in the form # rrggbb
14 Example of new colors
15 Example of new colors: results Generates:
16 Making the body text meaningful “Hello world” isn’t too useful Document should have utility or nobody will use (visit) it
17 Body text tags Creating headers Creating paragraphs Creating lists Adding comments inside the code
18 Creating headers The H1 through H6 header containers Generates:
19 Creating paragraphs P container defines a paragraph BR tag creates a line break HR tag creates a horizontal line PRE container defines preserved text CODE container defines code examples
20 Ordinary paragraphs Can align with ALIGN={LEFT|CENTER|RIGHT} This is a paragraph. The lines will wrap around in the browser until someone tells them to stop. I could go on and on and on here just to have a longer paragraph, but I won’t. Much.
21 Ordinary paragraphs: result Generates:
22 Line break If we put a line break tag in the middle of the paragraph: This is a paragraph. The lines will wrap around in the browser until someone tells them to stop. I could go on and on and on here just to have a longer paragraph, but I won’t. Much.
23 Line break: result We get:
24 Horizontal rules as separators What if we wanted to put a horizontal line across the page before the paragraph? This is a paragraph. The lines will wrap around in the browser until someone tells them to stop. I could go on and on and on here just to have a longer paragraph, but I won’t. Much.
25 Horizontal rules: results
26 Creating lists Bullet (unordered) list Ordered list Definitions list Other lists
27 Bullet lists UL container defines list LI tag specifies an item Options to both: TYPE={CIRCLE|DISC|SQUARE}
28 Bullet lists: example HTML HTTP CGI
29 Bullet lists: result
30 Ordered lists OL container defines list LI tag specifies an item Options to both: TYPE={A|a|I|i|1} START= n
31 Ordered lists: example Peel the banana Slice banana into dish Add three scoops of ice cream Add chocolate sauce
32 Ordered lists: result
33 Definition lists DL container defines list Option COMPACT suppresses automatic newline between term and definition DT tag defines the term DD tag defines the definition
34 Definition lists: example HTTP The HyperText Transfer Protocol; the means by which web browsers and web servers exchange information.
35 Definition lists: result
36 Other list containers BLOCKQUOTE -- offset quotation by an indent level DIR -- directory listing MENU -- menu of options
37 Code and examples Other paragraph containers for code and examples include: PRE Preserve XMP Example (deprecated; unused) CODE Code
38 PRE container Defines the font as monospaced (Courier) Still interprets HTML inside the PRE container Example (all on one line): This is an example of PRE.
39 CODE container Just like PRE except Dont need to escape and & HTML inside the CODE container is not interpreted Example (all on one line): This is an example of CODE.
40 PRE and CODE results The two examples generate:
41 Adding comments Asymmetric container tags <!-- to start a comment --> to end a comment Spaces required:
42 Comment examples
43 Formatting characters Logical formatting Physical formatting Font changes Special characters
44 Logical character formatting CITE for citations (usually italics) EM for emphasis (usually italics) STRONG for strong emphasis (usually boldface)
45 Physical character formatting B for boldface I for italics TT for typewriter-text U for underlining
46 Character formatting examples The following characters are emphasized and given strong emphasis. Meanwhile, these are in boldface, italics, underlining, and typewriter text.
47 Character formatting results
48 Changing the font The FONT container can adjust size SIZE={1..7} sets “absolute” size SIZE=+ n goes n sizes higher (maximum 7) SIZE=- n goes n sizes lower (minimum 1)
49 Changing the font: example This text is normal, this is smaller, this is bigger.
50 Changing the font: results
51 Handling special characters HTML reserves some characters: & Use character escapes to generate them in a document < generates < > generates > & generates &
52 Other special characters Can generate other symbols: © generates © ® generates ® " generates a quotation mark &# nnn ; generates ASCII character nnn List is online at pub/WWW/MarkUp/html-spec/ html-spec_13.html
53 Hypertext references Static documents are nice Hypertext-linked documents are better A container provides hypertext anchors
54 Hypertext references Provide a link to somewhere: Provide a destination for a link:
55 Hypertext reference examples Click here for the CT home page. definition of HTTP HyperText Transfer Protocol (HTTP)...
56 Address block Typically in italics Should contain contact information mailto: link to author revision date
57 Address block example Page last updated April 3, 1997, by Josh Simon.
58 Address block results
References HTTP specification: HTML specification:
60 Questions