HTML Review HTML and JavaScript
2 What is HTML? HTML stands for HyperText Markup Language It is the set of instructions hidden behind every web page (called the source of the page) HTML “tags” tell the browser (like Internet Explorer) how to display the page. For example, HI THERE would display the words HI THERE in bold.
3 What is HTML? HTML “tags” are contained within The letters inside the are the instructions (like for bold) and may be upper or lower case. Tags often come in pairs…one to begin a feature, and another to end it. In the previous example, means “begin bold here” and means “end bold here”.
4 HTML Structure Each web page has a HEAD and a BODY. All web pages have required tags like these: {begin the page} {some set up instructions are here} {the main part of the page is here} {end the page}
5 HTML Structure The HEAD section often contains tags to display a page title. The title is displayed at the top of the window (not on the page). Here is an example: My Web Page
6 HTML Structure The BODY section contains all the instructions for the actual page display. Inside the body section of a web page you will find tags that control text, graphics, lines, links, tables and other special functions. Remember that some, but not all, tags come in pairs.
7 Text-Related Tags Text is most often displayed in paragraphs, using block form. The paragraph tags and are used before and after a paragraph. (“line break”) is like pressing Return/Enter. The text that follows is displayed on the next line. NOTE: Just pressing Return/Enter when you are writing a page in HTML does not guarantee that it will be displayed on the next line.
8 Text-Related Tags Text is sometimes displayed in BOLD or ITALICS. The tag pair and make the text between display in bold. The tag pair and make the text between display in italics. Examples: This is bold text. This is bold text. Here is italics. Here is italics. Both! Both!
9 Text-Related Tags NOTE: Though there is a tag for underlining ( ) it is not a good idea to underline text. It may be confused with a link, since they are usually underlined. The tag pair can be used to change other aspects of text (e.g., color).
10 Text-Related Tags You will often see text displayed in large, bold type, almost like a newspaper headline. The “header” tags are used for this purpose. The largest “header” tag is (larger numbers make smaller headers). An example: MY PAGE displays MY PAGE MY PAGE displays MY PAGE
11 Text-Related Tags To center a header, the tag pair is used. An example: TRAINS displays… TRAINS
12 Lines Many web pages use horizontal lines to divide the page. The tag is used to draw a line. You can control the size (thickness in pixels) and width (% of the window). Examples: {one pixel thick, 100% of window} {4 pixels thick, 50% of window}
13 IMAGE Tags The tag is used to display graphics on web pages. The main requirement for the IMG tag is the file name (“source”) of the image. NOTE: Web page images DO NOT become part of a web page file. They are separate files and must be located in the same folder as the web page file unless otherwise noted.
14 IMAGE Tags An example of an IMG tag that displays a graphic called ME.JPG In the example above, the name (“source” or SRC) of the picture file is ME.JPG (stored in the same folder as the web page file). NOTE: The image file’s name must be exactly as stored (upper/lower case, etc.).JPG and.GIF indicate types of images appropriate for web pages.
15 Lists Many web pages contain lists. Lists can be “unordered” (using bullets like this list) or “ordered” (with numbers or letters). indicates an unordered (bulleted) list. indicates an ordered list. is used for each list item.
16 List Examples These tags… Dogs Cats Lizards Produce this list… Dogs Cats Lizards
17 List Examples These tags… Dogs Cats Lizards Produce this list… 1. Dogs 2. Cats 3. Lizards
18 List Examples These tags… Dogs Cats Lizards Produce this list… A. Dogs B. Cats C. Lizards
19 A Word about Links All links use the tag that begins <A HREF= The A stands for “anchor” (think of an anchor’s made of links…right?). The HREF part will be the name of a web page or a web address.
20 A Word about Links Here are a couple of examples, you will see the actual message to click on between the “A” tags. This link shows the words Go Back and sends the user to a page called HOME.HTM that is stored in the same folder as the current page. Go Back
21 A Word about Links This link shows the words More Info and sends the user to the CSUH home page. More Info
22 More about Links Virtually every web page has links…it’s the basic idea of the web and HTML (HyperText refers to links). Link tags look like this: what to click on The address can be a file name (like home.htm) or a web address (like
23 More about Links The “what to click on” is quite often text. Whatever is placed between the tags is displayed on the screen and usually underlined (though you can change it in your browser settings). You can also place an tag between the tags, making the image into a link.
24 More about Links The example below shows an image called TOY.JPG as a link to a page called TOYSTORY.HTM : The tag may also contain HEIGHT, WIDTH, and BORDER information. This way, however, the user will not know that the image is a link. See the next slide for a better idea.
25 More about Links In the example below, both the image TOY.JPG and the words “GO TO TOY STORY” are part of the link to TOYSTORY.HTM. GO TO TOY STORY The words in the link can come before or after the tag. Placement of text is next to images.
26 More about Links Sometimes it is convenient to have a list of links. See the example below: CSUH ” College of Math Barbara’s Classes
27 Colors in HTML When you specify colors in HTML, you can either enter a color by name (for simple colors) OR… You can put in codes that specify the amount of red, green and blue to include in the color (which gives you millions of combinations).
28 Colors in HTML Here is an example of the use of color in a tag. The text will print in red. The text. Here is another way to say “red”: The text. (weird, huh?) green red blue
29 Colors in HTML What’s all this “#FF” stuff? If you want more than simple colors, you must specify the amount of red, green, and blue in the color. This is done with six hexadecimal (base 16) numbers (that’s what # means) - two each for red, green and blue. Each pair of numbers ranges from 00 to FF (yes, FF is a number) 00 = none, FF = highest
30 Colors in HTML Here are some sample color numbers: RED #FF0000 (high red, no green, no blue) GREEN #00FF00 (no red, high green, no blue) BLUE #0000FF (no red, no green, high blue) BLACK# (no red, no green, no blue) WHITE #FFFFFF (high red, high green, high blue) YELLOW#FFFF00 (high red, high green, no blue) CYAN#00FFFF (no red, high green, high blue) MAGENTA#FF00FF (high red, no green, high blue)
31 Colors in HTML Another place to use color is for a background. Background color is specified in the tag. For example, to set the background of a page to light blue, use
32 Colors in HTML You can also set the link color and text color for the whole page in the tag. Here is a tag that sets the background to yellow, the text to red, the links to blue, and the visited links (the ones you have already been to) to purple:
33 More about Text Size You know “header” tags make large text (like ) You can also specify text size with a tag. Here is an example of very small text: Write this.
34 More about Images Web page images are displayed on the left side of a page and in their actual stored size unless otherwise instructed. The HEIGHT and WIDTH of an image can be specified in the IMG tag. HEIGHT and WIDTH are measured in pixels.
35 More about Images Example: The example above displays the graphic file MyPicture.gif with a height of 100 pixels and a width of 50 pixels. NOTE: If you do not specify HEIGHT and WIDTH, the image will appear the size at which it was stored.
36 More about Images To align an image at the center or the right of the screen, it is easiest to use one of the following tag pairs: The IMG tag is placed between the alignment tags: NOTE: If you place several IMG tags in a row (one for each picture), they will appear next to each other when the page is displayed.
37 More about Images If you want a border (like a frame) around the image, you can put BORDER=thickness in pixels in the IMG tag. Example: Here is an example of an image called BOG.gif which is centered, displayed 200 x 200, with a 4- pixel border.
38 Image Maps You have learned that a graphic can be a link. With an image map, a single graphic can be used to link to several different sites. Coordinates within an image are used to “map” various areas, each of which may be used as a link to a different web page.
39 Image Maps If you could see an image with its map, it might look like this: Each area could be a separate link. This area might link to FEET.HTM These areas might link to EAR.HTM
40 Image Maps Each area is defined by coordinates in pixels. For rectangular areas, it is the upper left and lower right. This area might be defined as 2,200 (upper left) 205,300 (lower right)
41 Image Maps The HTML code to make an image map begins with the IMG tag. Here is a sample: USEMAP says that the graphic is an image map. MIG is the name of the map definition (# means “look in this same document”).
42 Image Maps The image map definition begins with a map tag: The name of this map definition is MIG. ends the definition. The lines in between describe the areas (by coordinates) and the web pages that they link to.
43 Image Maps The lines between and define the areas, one tag for each area. Here is an example from the pig: The shape of the area is a rectangle, the link goes to FEET.HTM, the upper left of the rectangle is at 2,200 and the lower right of the rectangle is at 205,300.
44 Image Maps How can I find the coordinates? You can search shareware sites for image map programs. You can use a graphics program, if it shows the position of the cursor with “pixels”. Move the cursor over the picture and write down the appropriate coordinates.
45 Frames A FRAMESET document uses and instead of and. The type of frames (rows or columns) must be specified, and each frame must be described with a tag like this:
46 FRAMESET Sample Here is the FRAMESET code for the example --> Links One Two Three WELCOME! Join us..etc. left.htm right.htm
47 FRAMESET Sample Two “column” frames - the first (left) is 100 pixels wide. The right frame takes up whatever space is left over (*) on the screen. left.htm is the web page file for the left frame. right.htm fills the right frame.
48 Self Check - Example Questions Which of the following is NOT a required tag?
49 Self Check - Example Questions Which of the following is NOT a required tag? {headings/headlines are common, but not required}
50 Self Check - Example Questions Which of the tags below will show the words MY PAGE on the page in very large type? MY PAGE
51 Self Check - Example Questions Which of the tags below will show the words MY PAGE on the page in very large type? MY PAGE MY PAGE {H1 shows the largest “headline”} MY PAGE
52 Self Check - Example Questions Which set of tags below would display this text in italics and bold: CLICK HERE CLICK HERE
53 Self Check - Example Questions Which set of tags below would display this text in italics and bold: CLICK HERE CLICK HERE CLICK HERE * CLICK HERE *Explanation: Tags must be “nested” - the first to be turned on must be the last to be turned off.
54 Self Check - Example Questions To put a blank line after typing… and Just press Return/Enter Either or will work.
55 Self Check - Example Questions To put a blank line after typing… and Just press Return/Enter Either or will work.
56 Self Check - Example Questions Which the the following makes a “numbered” list (1., 2., etc.)?
57 Self Check - Example Questions Which the the following makes a “numbered” list (1., 2., etc.)? {a numbered list is an “ordered” list}
58 Self Check - Example Questions To draw a line across the web page, use… Must use a graphic.
59 Self Check - Example Questions To draw a line across the web page, use… {a line is a “horizontal rule”} Must use a graphic.
60 Self Check - Example Questions Which of the following displays the words CLICK ME as a link to homepage.htm? CLICK ME homepage.htm CLICK ME
61 Self Check - Example Questions Which of the following displays the words CLICK ME as a link to homepage.htm? CLICK ME homepage.htm CLICK ME
62 Self Check – Example Questions Which command is used to set the background color of a web page to white…
63 Self Check – Example Questions To set the background color of a web page to white…
64 Self Check – Example Questions Which of the following places a graphic called “dog.jpg” on a web page?
65 Self Check - Example Questions Which of the following places a graphic called “dog.jpg” on a web page? {case must match file name}
66 Self Check - Example Questions Which of the following sets the size of dog.jpg to 100 x 100 pixels?
67 Self Check - Example Questions Which of the following sets the size of dog.jpg to 100 x 100 pixels?
68 Self Check - Example Questions Which of the following creates a link to HOME.HTM by clicking GO HOME? HOME.HTM GO HOME HOME.HTM
69 Self Check - Example Questions Which of the following creates a link to HOME.HTM by clicking GO HOME? HOME.HTM GO HOME HOME.HTM
70 Self Check - Example Questions Which of the following allows the user to click on GO HOME or a graphic (home.jpg) to go to HOME.HTM? GO HOME
71 Self Check - Example Questions Which of the following allows the user to click on GO HOME or a graphic (home.jpg) to go to HOME.HTM? GO HOME {Either graphics first or words first}
72 Self Check - Example Questions Which of the lists below will results from these tags? See Me GO AWAY! 1.See Me 2.GO AWAY! 1.See Me 2.GO AWAY! 1.See Me 2.GO AWAY!
73 Self Check - Example Questions Which of the lists below will results from these tags? See Me GO AWAY! 1.See Me 2.GO AWAY! 1.See Me 2.GO AWAY! 1.See Me 2.GO AWAY!
74 Self Check - Example Questions Which is the correct text placement if this tag is used? SINK! SINK!
75 Self Check - Example Questions Which is the correct text placement if this tag is used? SINK! SINK!
76 Self Check - Example Questions To use a graphic (back1.gif) as a page background, use… You cannot use a graphic as a background.
77 Self Check - Example Questions To use a graphic (back1.gif) as a page background, use… You cannot use a graphic as a background.
78 Self Check - Example Questions If a background graphic is smaller than the page display… The image is displayed larger to fill the window. The image is centered on the page window. The image is tiled (repeated).
79 Self Check - Example Questions If a background graphic is smaller than the page display… The image is displayed larger to fill the window. The image is centered on the page window. The image is tiled (repeated).
80 Self Check - Example Questions To use an image (lineup.gif) as a line, use the following tag(s)… lineup.gif
81 Self Check - Example Questions To use an image (lineup.gif) as a line, use the following tag(s)… lineup.gif
82 Self Check – Example Questions Which of the following graphics formats would need to be converted before using on a web page? GIF JPG TIFF BMP PICT
83 Self Check - Example Questions Which of the following graphics formats would need to be converted before using on a web page? GIF JPG TIFF BMP {You will need a graphics PICT conversion program}
84 Self Check - Example Questions An image map is… A GIF that shows a map of a country A graphic that links to several different web pages A graphic that links to a single web page There is no such thing!
85 Self Check - Example Questions An image map is… A GIF that shows a map of a country A graphic that links to several different web pages A graphic that links to a single web page There is no such thing!
86 Self Check - Example Questions Which of the following tags shows a rectangular area linking to home.htm with coordinates of 100,100 and 300,400?
87 Self Check - Example Questions Which of the following tags shows a rectangular area linking to home.htm with coordinates of 100,100 and 200,400? {No comma between sets of coordinates}
89 What is JavaScript? JavaScript is a programming language. This means that the instructions you write in JavaScript will make something happen. You can include it easily within the HTML code of a web page to customize the page.
90 What is JavaScript? JavaScript is related to Java and C++, but it does not need to be “compiled” (translated to binary) before it is used. JavaScript is not the same as Java.
91 What is JavaScript? JavaScript code is “interpreted” - the browser executes each line of code as it is encountered. JavaScript is free and many existing samples are available.
92 How do you add JavaScript to a web page? When you copy or type the code, notice where it should go. JavaScript is most commonly placed in the section of a page, but there are often parts that must go elsewhere.
93 JavaScript - Sample Here is an explanation of a simple use of JavaScript - asking a question and displaying an answer. In this case, there will be a JavaScript function (small program) called getName() placed in the HEAD section of the HTML. It will ask for a name and print Hi and the name.
94 JavaScript - Sample Here’s what the function looks like: var stName="XX" function getName( ) { stName=prompt("Please enter your name"," ") alert("Hi, " + stName) }
95 JavaScript - Sample The script tags are needed to identify this code as JavaScript. var stName="XX" function getName( ) { stName=prompt("Please enter your name"," ") alert("Hi, " + stName) }
96 JavaScript - Sample The line beginning var sets up a variable called stName with a beginning value of XX. var stName="XX" function getName( ) { stName=prompt("Please enter your name"," ") alert("Hi, " + stName) }
97 JavaScript - Sample function getName() defines the name of the function (notice the two parentheses). var stName="XX" function getName( ) { stName=prompt("Please enter your name"," ") alert("Hi, " + stName) }
98 JavaScript - Sample The braces ({ and }) show where the function begins and ends. var stName="XX" function getName( ) { stName=prompt("Please enter your name"," ") alert("Hi, " + stName) }
99 JavaScript - Sample The line beginning stName= displays the message Please enter your name and waits for an entry, which will be the value of stName. var stName="XX" function getName( ) { stName=prompt("Please enter your name"," ") alert("Hi, " + stName) }
100 JavaScript - Sample The line beginning alert displays Hi, and the value of the variable stName. var stName="XX" function getName( ) { stName=prompt("Please enter your name"," ") alert("Hi, " + stName) }
101 JavaScript - Sample Something has to start the getName() function. This can be done by the user clicking on a graphic or a “form” button.
102 JavaScript - Sample To start a function, its name will be somewhere in the HTML: getName() You will see this code in an IMG tag: onclick=“getName()” When the graphic is clicked, the function starts.
103 JavaScript - Sample You will also see this code between tags : FORMs are used to make buttons and input boxes appear on a web page.
104 Self Check – Example Questions True or false - JavaScript and Java are exactly the same thing.
105 Self Check - Example Questions True or false - JavaScript and Java are exactly the same thing. False - Java must be “complied” (translated to binary) before running, while JavaScript runs automatically every time the web page is opened. Java is also much more powerful than JavaScript.
106 Self Check - Example Questions JavaScript is most often found in the _____ section of the HTML code for a web page.
107 Self Check - Example Questions JavaScript is most often found in the _____ section of the HTML code for a web page. {may be here, too}
108 Self Check - Example Questions Which of the following is the correct way to begin JavaScript?
109 Self Check - Example Questions Which of the following is the correct way to begin JavaScript? * * {upper and lower case must be exact}
110 Self Check - Example Questions Suppose you created the function shown below. What command would activate the function? function HAPPY() happy() HAPPY HAPPY()
111 Self Check - Example Questions Suppose you created the function shown below. What command would activate the function? function HAPPY() happy() HAPPY HAPPY() {case sensitive; must include ( )}
112 Self Check - Example Questions Which of the following commands waits for input? prompt alert
113 Self Check - Example Questions Which of the following commands waits for input? prompt {waits for input and Return/Enter} alert {displays message only}
114 Object-Oriented Programming Programming languages come in many varieties. Older languages like BASIC and FORTRAN accepted input from the user and displayed information. They could not directly influence “objects” such as graphics or text boxes.
115 Object-Oriented Programming JavaScript (and other contemporary languages) are classified as object- oriented, because they can affect objects on the screen. For example, JavaScript can be used to change an image when the mouse rolls over it.
116 Addressing Objects In order to affect objects, JavaScript must have a way of addressing (naming) them. JavaScript uses a “dot scheme” (parts of the web page are addressed using certain terms with periods/dots in between).
117 Addressing Objects For example, a graphic on a web page might be window.document.button or window.document.images[1] The largest part (window) is first, then a subset of window (document), and finally a subset of document (the image named “button”).
118 Properties Objects on the screen often have properties (attributes) that can be addressed by JavaScript. For example, each image has a source. A web page document may have a background color.
119 Properties Here are some “dot” addresses: image source (image place named M) window.document.M.src=“me.gif” image source (2nd image on the page) window.document.images[2].src=“me.gif” web page background color: window.document.bgcolor.value=“blue”
120 Example - The Status Bar JavaScript can be used to put text into the status bar. For example, a message can be placed in the status bar when the mouse moves over images.
121 Example - The Status Bar The “dot address” of the status bar is window.status (it doesn’t have anything to do with the web page document, so the term document is not included).
122 Example - The Status Bar Here is the code to add to an IMG tag to put text into the status bar: onMouseOver=“window.status=‘HI!’” Notice that the entire instruction (from window.status to the end is in quotes (“). The message itself (HI!) is inside single quotes (‘).
123 Example - The Status Bar The IMG tag might look like this (name of image file is “hello.jpg”) Other choices for images are onClick (if you click on the image) and onMouseOut (when you move the mouse away from the image).
124 Example - Text in a Box Forms are used to put buttons and input boxes on the web page. The next JavaScript example will put a message in a text box. The message will depend on the time of day.
125 Example - Text in a Box This page uses FORM tags for the box: This results in a text box (20 characters long) called greetingbox:
126 Example - Text in a Box The dot address for the box is: document.greet.greetingbox.value The box is called greetingbox. The box called greetingbox is in the form called greet. The form called greet in in the current web page document. value shows that something will be put into the box.
127 Example - Text in a Box Here is the JavaScript code: currentTime=new Date(); if (currentTime.getHours() < 12) document.greet.greetingbox.value="Good morning!" else if (currentTime.getHours() < 17) document.greet.greetingbox.value="Good afternoon!" else document.greet.greetingbox.value="Good evening!"
128 Example - Text in a Box The SCRIPT tags begin and end the JavaScript: currentTime=new Date(); if (currentTime.getHours() < 12) document.greet.greetingbox.value="Good morning!" else if (currentTime.getHours() < 17) document.greet.greetingbox.value="Good afternoon!" else document.greet.greetingbox.value="Good evening!"
129 Example - Text in a Box new Date() puts the current time/date (from your computer) into the variable currentTime: currentTime=new Date(); if (currentTime.getHours() < 12) document.greet.greetingbox.value="Good morning!" else if (currentTime.getHours() < 17) document.greet.greetingbox.value="Good afternoon!" else document.greet.greetingbox.value="Good evening!"
130 Example - Text in a Box Look at the structure of the IF statements: if (currentTime.getHours() < 12) document.greet.greetingbox.value="Good morning!" else if (currentTime.getHours() < 17) document.greet.greetingbox.value="Good afternoon!" else document.greet.greetingbox.value="Good evening!” The computer must make a decision about the message, depending on the hour (12=noon, 17=5 pm). currentTime.getHours() contains the hour information (originally from new Date() )
131 Example - Text in a Box JavaScript IF statements look like this: IF (condition) instructions The condition usually contains == (is equal to) or (greater than). If the condition is true, the instructions are carried out. If the condition is false, the program goes to the next line without performing the instructions.
132 Example - Text in a Box In this case there are three choices: The hour is < 12 (before noon) - Good morning! The hour is between 12 and 17 (noon and 5 pm) - Good afternoon! The hour is > 17 (after 5 pm) - Good evening! Using IF, ELSEIF and ELSE lets the computer make the choice among these three options.
133 Example - Text in a Box If you have looked at the HTML code for this example, you will see something very strange. The JavaScript is in the BODY section, not the HEAD.
134 Example - Text in a Box The reason for this difference is that computer must be instructed to start the JavaScript. In past examples, we have clicked buttons to start the JavaScript instructions. This time, the instructions start automatically when the browser reaches that part of the HTML.
135 Self Check – Example Questions True or false - all programming languages are object-oriented. True False
136 Self Check - Example Questions True or false - all programming langauges are object-oriented. True False {most current languages are object- oriented, but older languages like BASIC are not}
137 Self Check - Example Questions In order to address objects on the screen, object-oriented languages use: Pixel addresses (form top, from left) Dot addresses (e.g., window.status) They cannot address objects.
138 Self Check - Example Questions In order to address objects on the screen, object-oriented languages use: Pixel addresses (form top, from left) Dot addresses (e.g., window.status) They cannot address objects.
139 Self Check - Example Questions The dot address of the source of an “image place” called M1 would be: window.document.src. M1 window.document.M1.src document.M1.src
140 Self Check - Example Questions The dot address of the source of an “image place” called M1 would be: window.document.src. M1 window.document.M1.src document.M1.src window may be deleted when the address refers to the web page document.
141 Self Check - Example Questions The dot address of a text box called B in a form called MYFORM would be: window.document.B.MYFORM window.document.MYFORM.B
142 Self Check - Example Questions The dot address of a text box called B in a form called MYFORM would be: window.document.B.MYFORM window.document.MYFORM.B
143 Self Check - Example Questions The code to put “HI” into a box called B in a form called MYFORM would be: window.document.MYFORM.B=“HI” window.document.MYFORM.B.src=“HI” document.MYFORM.B.value=“HI”
144 Self Check - Example Questions The code to put “HI” into a box called B in a form called MYFORM would be: window.document.MYFORM.B=“HI” window.document.MYFORM.B.src=“HI” document.MYFORM.B.value=“HI”
145 End of Review