Day 4
Assignment 1 Due Assignment 2 Posted Assignment 2 Posted Due Feb 9:35 AM 3 8:30 AM Today we will look at creating and using images Examples
Format Color Size/resolution Speed Transparency Animation
3 Possibilities GIF Version 87a Older Version 89a Transparency and animations Interlaced or non-interlaced JPEG Compressed (variable) PNG Optimized or non-optimized palette Interlaced or non-interlaced
Depth (# of colors per pixel) 24 bit 16,777,216 possible colors “true color” Photo quality 16 bit 65,536 colors 8 bit 256 colors
Most Browser cheat! Lock palette to 256 specific colors Because of difference in O/S’s only 216 colors are Web Safe Non web safe colors may be dithered or shifted Check colors in browser before you use them
Pixels Monitors are pixels per inch Printers are >200 ppi 800 X 600 image 10X7.5 inches on monitor 4X3 inches (or less) on printer The more pixels on a printer means greater detail The more pixels on a monitor means larger size Standard SVGA monitors are 800X bit XGA monitors are 1024X bit or better
How fast can the picture be displayed? Factors Size of graphic file Size of graphic Color depth Compression Interlacing Sneak peek
Use the right image format For Photo realistic images use jpeg Lossy compression Use Gaussian blur and re-compress < 256 colors (logos, text, cartoons) Gif using LZW compression PNG Only covert images to web format after all editing is done
Only for GIF and PNG “remove” one color from image Remove Background (or other color) to make image non-rectangular and allow web back ground to “bleed” through Remove color in image to create special effects
Animated Gifs Flash Both work with frames Like cartoons Series of images with slight changes between each image
Buy or download Copyrights Scan existing images Blake library Digital camera Blake library Create using an image editing program Adobe Photoshop and Image ready Macromedia Fireworks JASC Paint Shop Pro Goggle image search
Determine after what element in your WebPage you want the Image to appear Place cursor in your code after the element Type “image.url” is location of the file ../images/image.gif images/image.gif image.gif Hint To place image on a new line use before
If the image won’t appear, the “alternative text” will alt is REQUIRED for XHTML Can also use title attribute On some browsers “Alt” text will be a mouse over pop-up Examples
Tell the Browser how large the picture is to speed up loading Quick Way Insert image in webpage without dimensions View page and right mouse on image Select properties and determine dimensions Modify img tag with the dimensions
Use new values for height and width attributes CAREFUL –you must maintain aspect ratios or you will distort image Just set height or width and Browser will automatically set the other Can also set to percentage of Browser viewable space height =“ 50%” width = “50%”
A thumbnail is a “mini” version of a larger image
You can float images in the text You can move image to the left or to the right relative to text Use after img tag to get text to “fill” left over space Example
You can control how text & other elements “flows” around your images (or right) Next element goes to first available margin on left Next element goes to first available spot where both margins are clear
Create a buffer around your image
NOTE: Not all directions work in all browsers Used to align images with text Where direction is TEXTTOP Top of image to top of text TOP Top of image to top of tallest element MIDDLE Middle of image with base of text ABSMIDDLE Middle of image to middle of tallest element BOTTOM Bottom of image to baseline of text ABSBOTTOM Bottom of image to bottom of tallest element
A horizontal rule is a line across the Web page size=“10” (how thick) Width=“70%” (how much of the page width) Align=“left” or “right” or “center” noshade=“noshade”
Next class we will be using Adobe Photoshop and Image Ready along with JASC’s paint shop pro to create and modify images (including animations)