WDV 331 Dreamweaver Applications Find and Replace Dreamweaver CS6 Chapter 20
Find and Replace Basics 1 To search, press Ctrl + F ( ⌘ -F), or choose Edit → Find and Replace.
Find and Replace Basics 2 The procedure for using the Find and Replace feature is: Phase 1: Determine the Scope of Your Search – Where to search (within highlighted text on a page, in a file, a folder, or on your entire website). Phase 2: Specify What to Search For – Next, tell it what to search for (text, HTML, or a particular tag with a specific attribute). Phase 3: Provide the Replacement Text Phase 4: Choose the Search Settings Phase 5: Take Action Finally, you dictate what the replacement item is. – optional; you can use the Find and Replace window as a way to locate an item on a page or on your site, without changing it to anything.
Advanced Text Searches Limiting the Search by Tag Limiting a Search by Attribute
Regular Expression To find three numbers in a row, you could search for \d\ d\ d, which would find 555, 747, 007, and so on. There’s even shorthand for this: \d{ 3}. Here are some of the other symbols you’ll encounter when using regular expressions: –. (period) stands for any character, letter, number, space, and so on. – \w stands for any letter or number (but not spaces, tabs,, or line breaks). – * (asterisk) represents the preceding character, zero or more times (and is always used after another character). – This is best explained with an example: The regular expression colou* r, for instance, matches both “colour” and “color” — the * following the u indicates that the u is optional (it can appear zero times). This would also match “colouuuuur”
Adding Alt Text Fast Figure book page 909 kindle The numbers shown correspond to the steps in this example, in which you want to add an tag to every occurrence of the banner logo Class exercise complete the add alt text fast – Uses regular expression – icles/regular_expressions_pt1.html icles/regular_expressions_pt1.html
Adding Alt Text Fast Figure The numbers shown here correspond to the steps in this example, in which you want to add an tag to every occurrence of the banner
Stored Query to Remove CSS Comments ts.php ts.php Uses regular expression