By Richard Butler for the Virginia Aquarium
Created by Phyllis Butler 10/3/20152 Marine Mammals Cetaceans Toothed Whales Baleen Whales DolphinsPorpoisesSireniaManateeDugong Steller’s Sea Cow Pinnipeds True Seals Fur Seals Sea Lions Walrus Mustelidae Sea Otters River Otters Polar Bears Ursus Maritimus
Created by Phyllis Butler 10/3/20153 Marine Mammal Uses MeatOilSkin Public display ResearchEco-tourism
Giants of the North
Created by Phyllis Butler 10/3/20155 Polar Bears The scientific name, “Ursus maritimus” for Polar Bears is Latin for “sea bear”. The scientific name, “Ursus maritimus” for Polar Bears is Latin for “sea bear”.
Created by Phyllis Butler 10/3/20156 Polar Bear Notes The polar bears are direct descendants of the grizzly. Polar Bears have; 1.smaller heads than other bears but have longer necks adapted for swimming. 2. a short tail and short ears. 2. a short tail and short ears. 3. webbed feet 3. webbed feet 4.canine teeth are longer and sharper. 5. nostrils that close to keep out water. 6. fur has two layers: an undercoat with fine white hairs and a guard coat with hollow hairs, another adaptation for swimming. 7. can swim up to 100 miles using dog paddle strokes.
Created by Phyllis Butler 10/3/20157 Polar Bears Description Scientific Name:(Ursus maritimus) Length: ft Height (on 4’s): 3.5 feet Weight:1, ,320 Life span: 25 years Reproductive ages 3-5, 5-7years Gestation: 220 days Max. Speed: 25 mph Swimming Speed: 6 mph
Created by Phyllis Butler 10/3/20158 Polar Bears Diet Seals are their primary source of food. They can go for weeks without food because their large stomach can hold up to 150 pounds of food. Polar Bear Hunting
Created by Phyllis Butler 10/3/20159 Polar Bears Roam for food As the ice pack recedes they follow the ice line to be near the Ringed seals During the summer when food begins to diminish, they eat anything possible.
Created by Phyllis Butler 10/3/ Polar Bears Habitat Habitat The polar bears don’t really have territories like other bears would. They are mainly roamers and do not defend the areas that they live in. They may cover over 100,000 square miles in their life time. Polar bears are found in all polar regions in the northern hemisphere.
Created by Phyllis Butler 10/3/ Polar Bear Arctic Range
Created by Phyllis Butler 10/3/ Polar Bears Female Polar Bear and Cubs Female Polar Bear and Cubs The female Polar bear will chase her cubs off when they are about 30 months old and it is time for her to mate again The female Polar bear will chase her cubs off when they are about 30 months old and it is time for her to mate again
Created by Phyllis Butler 10/3/ Polar Bears are are strong swimmers with strong swimmers with 4.3 in thick blubber 4.3 in thick blubber Polar bears swim long distances for food and reproduction. They can swim for several hours at a time at 6mph. They've been tracked swimming continuously for 65 to 100 miles. A polar bear's front paws propel them through the water dog- paddle style. The hind feet and legs are held flat and are used as rudders.
Created by Phyllis Butler 10/3/ Polar Bears Did you dare me to skate on thin ice?
Created by Phyllis Butler 10/3/ Polar Bears Food Sources The Polar bear rarely dives for food. They do catch fish but are too slow to catch seals in the water, swimming at only 4-6 MPH
Created by Phyllis Butler 10/3/ Polar Bears Mom and Bruins Mother with Cubs
Created by Phyllis Butler 10/3/ Polar Bears A Polar Bear Den is just big enough for Mother Bear and her cubs
Created by Phyllis Butler 10/3/ Polar Bear Facts Polar Bears have fur that is different from any other animal. Close to their body they have a thick layer of woolly fur to keep them warm, but they also have long hollow guard hairs that stick up at all times. When the bear shakes, he is drying himself. When the bear shakes, he is drying himself.
Created by Phyllis Butler 10/3/ Polar Bears White fur may be great for camouflage, but black skin helps to absorb heat.
Created by Phyllis Butler 10/3/ Polar Bears Still Hunter Polar bears hunt by stealth They will sit motionless for hours by an ice hole waiting for a Ringed seal to stick it’s head up. When it does, the bear will grab the seal by the head and jerk the entire seal out of the water.
Created by Phyllis Butler 10/3/ Polar Bears These magnificent and intelligent mammals of the ice fear almost nothing.
Created by Phyllis Butler 10/3/ Polar Bears Conservation International Protection treaty signed in 1973
Created by Phyllis Butler 10/3/ Polar Bears Status Over hunting brought a huge decline in polar bears. In 1967 a conservation treaty was passed to save the bears. Worldwide population of 20,000-40,000 bears. Canada hosts the greatest number with a population of about 15,000.
Created by Phyllis Butler 10/3/ Polar Bear Snooze time !
Created by Phyllis Butler 10/3/ Polar Bear Management To keep polar bear numbers at the optimum population levels despite increased harvests and pollution, there will need to be more accurate and precise population estimates. An understanding of the entire ecosystem forces that limit polar bear population size is necessary.
Created by Phyllis Butler 10/3/ Polar Bears Pictures Polar bears are solitary most of their lives Polar bears are very adept at catching fish in rivers and streams especially Salmon
Created by Phyllis Butler 10/3/ Polar Bears Phew ! Mother and Cub
Created by Phyllis Butler 10/3/ Polar Bear Give Up ? Polar Bears are well insulated
Created by Phyllis Butler