Report writing
What is report writing ? Where will you find reports? Why do I have to learn how to write a report?
1. Scientific report What: It gives factual information about the topic - Shark, DNA, weather, farming methods, natural phenomena, electricity etc. Where: Non-fiction books, Internet, TV writers, magazines, articles etc. Why: To publish scientific information that can be used by people.
2. Technical report What: It gives factual information about the topic – cars, computers, guns, electronics etc. Where: Non-fiction books, Internet, magazines, articles, brochures etc. Why: To publish technical information that can be used by people.
3. Incident reports What: It gives factual information about incidents – accidents, observations etc. Where: Work reports, Internet, magazines, articles etc. Why: To publish information about a specific incident that is used as a record of what happened.
Police Report / Witness Report
4. News reports What: It information the reader about events, incidents etc. – sport, politics, accidents, observations etc. Where: Newspapers, Internet, magazines, articles, history etc. Why: To inform people. $$$$$$$$
5. Personal reports What: It gives information about a person – progress report, appraisals, observations, health, etc. Where: Work reports, school, doctor etc. Why: To report / evaluate /assess a persons progress, health etc.
WALT: Write a report.
I will know I have written a good report when: ? We have to make up the criteria. To know what is needed for a report we have to study an example of a report.
Task 1 Take out: –Draft writing book, glue stick and colour pencils / highlighters. - New page – write the date and heading (Report writing) - Skip a line and write the WALT -Underline -Glue the cameo in your book. Be organised and ready when the music stops.
PM Writing or Discussion of cameo looking at the different features of a report.
Success criteria for a good report Include a description or definition Include facts about the parts, behaviour and qualities (Character, traits, behaviour) of the topic. Start using paragraphs to organise the Diagrams, illustrations or photographs are often used. Continue…..
Success criteria for a good report Language features Technical/scientific language. Present tense (is, are, has, have, belongs to) Nouns Adjectives
The structure of a report: Introductory paragraph: opening statement – what the report is going to be about – has a short description or definition. A series of paragraphs with related information about the topic. A conclusion – summarises the information.
American IndiansElectricity InsectAnimal report
Task : Write a report on one aspect of the Native American Indians. Ideas: Housing Clothing Weapons and war Music and or dance Government – Law Customs ??? What excites you???
Task 2: Write a report on electricity:
Jessica’s Animal Report Bears There are many kinds of bears, but I think the most interesting is the polar bear. Polar bears are mammals because they feed their young on milk. Polar bears are very large and powerful and they have think white fur to protect them from the cold. Sometimes in summer, their fur turns a yellow colour. Polar bears have sharp claws and teeth and big paws. Their feet are covered with fur so that they won’t slip on the ice. They have good eyesight and sense of smell. They live in the very cold Arctic Circle, where they hunt for their food. Polar bears eat mostly ringed seals. They have to run and swim fast to catch the seals. When they are hunting they lie flat on the ground. Sometimes they hide their black noses with their white paws so that the seals won’t see them. In summer they eat blueberries and fruit. They also eat moss and seaweed. Polar bears are dangerous in winter when there us very little food. Sometimes they attack men in boats. Polar bears have to travel a long way to find food. Animals who moved around a lot are called nomadic animals. Polar bears are nomadic.
Insect Classification: The ______ belongs to the insect family. Their scientific name is_______. There are ____ different types of ____. Description: __ are (features – size, colour, skin, appearance etc, Habitat Enemies – protect Reproduction Interesting facts Labelled diagram and pictures