This project is Funded by European Union Additive Technologies for the SMEs Aditivne tehnologije za mala i srednja velika poduzeća
Additive Technologies for the SMEs Project main information Applicant - Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture, UNI Zagreb Partners - Mechanical Engineering Faculty in Slavonski Brod, UNI Osijek - Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing, UNI Zagreb - University of Zagreb, Centre for Research, Development and Technology Transfer Associates Croatian Chamber of Economy Croatian Chamber of Trades and Crafts Budget: cca EUR EU co-financing: 85 %) Duration: 2 years (started on )
Additive Technologies for the SMEs Project goals to increase the competitiveness and innovation capabilities of the SMEs from manufacturing sectors by application of Additive Technologies (AT) to found a Centre of Additive Technologies (CATeh) as a platform for technology transfer and commercialisation to implement a knowledge transfer on Additive Technologies (AT) to SMEs, through education and applications for the needs of SMEs in the pilot project to create a professional network for AT in order to support the growth of innovativeness and competitiveness of both R&D sector and SMEs
Additive Technologies for the SMEs Project activities establishment of Centre of Additive Technologies (CATeh) determination and realisation of the promotion and education plan on Additive Technologies for the SMEs implementation of pilot project for SMEs target group (40 mini-projects) dissemination of the project, CATeh and project results networking