OSM v.s. ISM1-BA M. Engin Enginsu M.D., Ph.D. KadıköyŞifa Hastanesi İstanbul Turkey
KŞ Hospital IVF unit is a private clinic 600 cycles per year ISM 1 – BA is the only culutre medium used in the clinic for over 3 years The average age of the patients is 35,98 >40 is %32,6
Protocols ISM 1 – BA Oocyte collection in Universal IVF untill ICSI Transfer to ISM1 untill D2 Change to BA at hrs Blast development Change BA on hrs never disturb on D4 Transfer in BA OSM Oocyte collection in OS Fert untill ICSI Transfer to OS Clev after ICSI Refresh Os Clev on hrs Change to OM Blas on hrs or ET Blast development never disturb on D4 Transfer in OS Blas
Day 2 Embryos ISM1 BAOSM
Day 3 Embryos ISM1 BAOSM
Blastocysts ISM1 BAOSM
Overall Results n = 76 n = 114
Overall Results
Good Prognosis Group 3 oocytes
Blastocyst Results
Conclusion On basis of fertilization, cleavage and embryo development rate OSM and ISM1- BA are comparable Blastocyts development is significantly better in OSM Clinical pregnancy rates are significantly better in OSM This may be the result of longer exposure of the embryos to Hyaluronan