DMES: Department of Marine and Environmental Systems
DMES Programs: Environmental Sciences Environmental Chemistry Geographic Information Systems Environmental Resource Management Groundwater Hydrology Limnology Sampling for invasive species
DMES Programs: Meteorology Atmospheric Chemistry Satellite Meteorology Weather Forecasting Climate Change Coastal waves Thunderstorm observations during Field Projects summer session
DMES Programs: Oceanography Coastal Zone Management Geological Biological Chemical Physical Discovery of first Atlantic hydrothermal vent
DMES Programs: Ocean Engineering Autonomous Underwater Vehicles Materials and Structures Naval Architecture Coastal Engineering Instrumentation ROV deployment from RV Thunderforce
Rising seniors Practicum in science, engineering, and management Research cruise Annual symposium DMES Teaching: Marine Field Projects Student at sea during summer Marine Field Projects
DMES Research: Funding Facts $5,000,000 in active research funding $2,000,000 in annual expenditures Supports graduate students, faculty, & staff members Scientific Publications Biofouling and corrosion control
DMES Service: Community Involvement Florida Tech Speaker’s Bureau Florida Academy of Sciences Marine Resources Council Big Brothers and Sisters Boy Scouts of America M&ES Summer Camp
Corporate Vice Presidents Government Managers FIT Board of Trustees Dedicated Professors Executive Directors Company Owners Senior Scientists DMES Graduates: Making a Difference RADM Jonathan White, USN
Who we are What we do Where we are going DMES: Summary Indian River Lagoon Research Institute – building an observing, forecasting, and mitigation system Computer model of Sebastian Inlet salinity