LESSON 1: CHARACTERISTICS OF LIFE 7 th Grade Starting on Page 8 in your text book
ALL LIVING THINGS ARE… -organized -grow and develop -reproduce -respond -maintain certain internal conditions -use energy *Things that have all of these things = ORGANISMS
HOW DO THESE LIVING THINGS FIT THE 6 CRITERION? Example 1: Polar Bear Example 2: Human
BREAK OUT TIME: SMALL GROUP WORK DIRECTIONS: 1.Count off Organization (10) 2.Growth and Development (10-11) 3.Reproduction (11) 4.Responses to Stimuli (12) 5.Homeostasis (13) 6.Energy (14) 2.Meet with your group 3.Read your section 4.Come up with the main points/most important information from your section 5.Present to the class ***EVERYONE MUST SAY AT LEAST 1 THING WHEN PRESENTING!!!***
HOMEWORK Page 16 Numbers: 2, 3, 4, 8, 11
6 TH GRADE Lesson 1: What Are Animals? Page 278 in your book
ANIMAL CHARACTERISTICS 1.All animals = multicellular 2.Collagen (a protein) holds animal cells together 3.Animal cells = nucleus 4.Animals = only cells that have nerve impulses 5.Most animals = muscle cells 6.Energy by eating other organisms 7.Formation: sperm and egg cell join, zygote (fertilized egg) made, zygote divides into more cells = embryo, more cell division, baby organism
SYMMETRY Bilateral: a body plan in which an organism can be divided into 2 parts that are nearly mirror images of each other -Examples: human, frog, gecko Radial: a body plan which can be divided into 2 parts that are nearly mirror images of each other anywhere through its central axis -Example: sand dollar Asymmetry: a body plan that cannot be divided into any two parts that are nearly mirror images -Example: sponge
BREAK OUT TIME: MINI-LAB 1. Mini-Lab: Animal Symmetry 2. Homework: Page 284 Numbers 2, 3, 4, 7, and 8