Savanna, Brandon, and Hunter Algaelike Protist Savanna, Brandon, and Hunter
Plant like protists: Energy by photosynthesis = autotrophs All contain chlorophyll a but vary with accessory pigments and other chlorophylls. chlorophyta Euglenoids rhodophyta dinoflagellates diatoms Brown algae
Protists algaelike Fungus like Animal-like These organisms are all eukaryotes (they have a true nucleus). They all need some kind of a water-based environment--which can be fresh or marine water, snow, damp soil, polar bear hairs--in which to live. All are aerobic and have mitochondria to do cellular respiration, and some have chloroplasts and can do photosynthesis. Protists algaelike Fungus like Animal-like photosynthesis heterotrophs
Rhodophyta Phycobilins = red accessory pigments Multicellular Gametes don’t have flagella Tropical zones deep in the ocean Used in food and good sources of iodine
Chlorophyta “green algae” – contain chlorophyll b and cellulose walls Papa Joe! “green algae” – contain chlorophyll b and cellulose walls Store carbohydrates as starch. Evolutionary ancestors to plants Many different (moist) environments – polar bear hair Vary in sexuality: isogamous, anisogamous, oogamous Trends toward multicelluarity succession from unicellular organisms to larger colonies (volvox = hundreds)
Euglenoids One to three flagella at their apical end. Pellicles They can become heterotrophic in the absence of light. They also have an eyespot to detect light.
Dinofalgellates Have two flagella Can be mixotrophic Some of them are bioluminescent Red tide
Dinofalgellates Red Tide
Brown Algae Forms deferent tissues AKA: Phaeophyta (Most Diverse) Multicellular Organisms Sea weeds(ex. Sea Palms) 1500 – 2000 Species Chloroplast (4 membranes) Fucoxanthin Pigment Forms deferent tissues Flagellum in Gametes and Zoospores Penumatocysts (Gas Filed “Floats”) Kingdom: Chromista Asexual and Sexual Reproduction Size: 1cm.(Thread like) – 160M. (Kelp) Alternation of Generations Haploid Diploid
Diatoms AKA: Bacillariophyta Single Celled Organism Glass like wall- Hydrated Silica 2 Parts Overlaps (capsule) Strengthened (pores/Lace Asexual(Usually) and Sexual About 100,000 Species Stores energy in the form of: Laminarin (Glucose Polymer) Oil Size: Microscopic Thought to help environment CO2 is not released in atmosphere Carbon is “pumped” to the ocean floor This picture shows the side view (top left) and top view (bottom right) of a Navicula lanceolata.
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