Who Governs? Part II: Democracy. Basics Demos meaning "People", and Kratos meaning "Power“ Demos meaning "People", and Kratos meaning "Power“ Popular.


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Presentation transcript:

Who Governs? Part II: Democracy

Basics Demos meaning "People", and Kratos meaning "Power“ Demos meaning "People", and Kratos meaning "Power“ Popular Sovereignty Popular Sovereignty Direct. Direct. Indirect (Representative) Indirect (Representative) Rule of Law Rule of Law Constitutional Order Constitutional Order

Examples of Direct Democracy in the Modern Era Ballot Initiative Ballot Initiative Referendum Referendum Recall Recall

One Possible Definition of Democracy "Modern political democracy is a system of governance in which rulers are held accountable for their actions in the public realm by citizens, acting indirectly through competition and cooperation of their elected representatives.” -Schmitter And Karl (1991)

One Possible Definition of Democracy System of governance: regime in the sense that we have used the term: What are the rules that determine who controls the state? System of governance: regime in the sense that we have used the term: What are the rules that determine who controls the state? Rulers: those who sit in government and directly control the state apparatus--i.e., those who control the legislative (and executive) authority as discussed in our definition of the state. Rulers: those who sit in government and directly control the state apparatus--i.e., those who control the legislative (and executive) authority as discussed in our definition of the state.

One Possible Definition of Democracy Public Realm: making of collective norms and choices that are binding on the society and backed by state coercion" --the relationship between state and society in the political system/the outputs (public policy decisions) Public Realm: making of collective norms and choices that are binding on the society and backed by state coercion" --the relationship between state and society in the political system/the outputs (public policy decisions) Citizens: In a true democracy all permanent adult residents with little of no restrictions. To be a true democracy, a broad definition of citizen is needed. Citizens: In a true democracy all permanent adult residents with little of no restrictions. To be a true democracy, a broad definition of citizen is needed.

One Possible Definition of Democracy Indirectly: A representative system Indirectly: A representative system Competition: contestation Competition: contestation Elections: sets of rules; must be consistent, free and fair. A key to democracy (perhaps the most significant feature) but in and of itself, elections do not produce democracy (e.g., USSR, Cuba) Elections: sets of rules; must be consistent, free and fair. A key to democracy (perhaps the most significant feature) but in and of itself, elections do not produce democracy (e.g., USSR, Cuba)

Voting Suffrage Suffrage Electoral Systems (How votes become office) Electoral Systems (How votes become office) Plurality Systems Plurality Systems Majoritarian Systems Majoritarian Systems Proportional Representation Proportional Representation

Political Parties Defined: a group of actors, operating under a common label, who compete for votes. Defined: a group of actors, operating under a common label, who compete for votes. Label: why does that matter? Label: why does that matter? Note: competes for votes, but the definition does not require victory. Note: competes for votes, but the definition does not require victory. This a minimal definition—some in the literature are more restrictive in one way or another. This a minimal definition—some in the literature are more restrictive in one way or another. Electoral systems affect the number of parties. Electoral systems affect the number of parties.

Polyarchy Why the term? Why the term? Rule by the “demos” is actually impossible. Rule by the “demos” is actually impossible. For a variety of reasons the will, needs and demands of all the people cannot be met. For a variety of reasons the will, needs and demands of all the people cannot be met. Yet, the many still rule. Yet, the many still rule.

Polyarchy Defined Defined Contestation: That there is a real competition for power in which the opposition has a legitimate chance of winning. Contestation: That there is a real competition for power in which the opposition has a legitimate chance of winning. Participation: That citizens have their basic civil liberties (such as freedom of speech and protest) and have the right to exercise those liberties to affect and influence government. Participation: That citizens have their basic civil liberties (such as freedom of speech and protest) and have the right to exercise those liberties to affect and influence government.

Why Polyarchy Matters Classic Liberal Freedoms are present in polyarchies (freedom of speech, the press, assembly, worship, etc.). Classic Liberal Freedoms are present in polyarchies (freedom of speech, the press, assembly, worship, etc.). Composition of Leadership (contestation and participation mean that competition for office is open, rather than limited to a specific set of persons). Composition of Leadership (contestation and participation mean that competition for office is open, rather than limited to a specific set of persons). Responsiveness of Politicians (i.e., politicians will “seek the support of groups” (23))—hence, government and policy will be made with organized interests in mind. Responsiveness of Politicians (i.e., politicians will “seek the support of groups” (23))—hence, government and policy will be made with organized interests in mind.

Why Polyarchy Matters Promotes Mass-Based Political Parties (because you need to maximize votes). Since you need as many votes as possible to win power, power contenders will have to please a large number of persons (unlike an authoritarian situation). Promotes Mass-Based Political Parties (because you need to maximize votes). Since you need as many votes as possible to win power, power contenders will have to please a large number of persons (unlike an authoritarian situation). Increased Pluralism. (Increased opportunities for voicing opinion and making demands). Increased Pluralism. (Increased opportunities for voicing opinion and making demands). Decrease chance of state-directed coercion against society for ideological/political purposes. Dahl notes that no polyarchical government has ever engaged in large- scale attacks on its own people. Decrease chance of state-directed coercion against society for ideological/political purposes. Dahl notes that no polyarchical government has ever engaged in large- scale attacks on its own people.

Diamond Nondemocracies Nondemocracies Pseudodemocracies Pseudodemocracies Electoral Democracies Electoral Democracies Liberal Democracies Liberal Democracies

Diamond’s Definition of Liberal Democracy Control of the state and its key decisions and allocations lies with elected officials (in particular, the military is subordinate to the authority of elected civilian officials) Control of the state and its key decisions and allocations lies with elected officials (in particular, the military is subordinate to the authority of elected civilian officials) Executive power is constrained, constitutionally and in fact, by the autonomous power of other government institutions (such as an independent judiciary, parliament, and other mechanisms of horizon­tal accountability). Executive power is constrained, constitutionally and in fact, by the autonomous power of other government institutions (such as an independent judiciary, parliament, and other mechanisms of horizon­tal accountability).

Diamond’s Definition of Liberal Democracy Not only are electoral outcomes uncertain, with a significant opposition vote and the presumption of party alternation in government, but no group that adheres to constitutional principles is denied the right to form a party and contest elections Not only are electoral outcomes uncertain, with a significant opposition vote and the presumption of party alternation in government, but no group that adheres to constitutional principles is denied the right to form a party and contest elections

Diamond’s Definition of Liberal Democracy Cultural, ethnic, religious, and other minority groups are not prohibited from expressing their interests Cultural, ethnic, religious, and other minority groups are not prohibited from expressing their interests Citizens have multiple, ongoing channels for expression and representation of their interests and values, including diverse, independent associations and movements, which they have the freedom to form and join. Citizens have multiple, ongoing channels for expression and representation of their interests and values, including diverse, independent associations and movements, which they have the freedom to form and join.

Diamond’s Definition of Liberal Democracy There are alternative sources of information There are alternative sources of information Individuals also have substantial freedom of belief, opinion, discussion, speech, publication, assembly, demonstration, and petition. Individuals also have substantial freedom of belief, opinion, discussion, speech, publication, assembly, demonstration, and petition. Citizens are politically equal under the law Citizens are politically equal under the law

Diamond’s Definition of Liberal Democracy Individual and group liberties are effectively protected by an independent, nondiscriminatory judiciary; whose decisions are enforced and respected by other centers Individual and group liberties are effectively protected by an independent, nondiscriminatory judiciary; whose decisions are enforced and respected by other centers of power. of power. The rule of law protects citizens from unjustified detention, exile, terror, torture, and undue interference in their personal lives not only by the state but also by organized nonstate or antistate forces. The rule of law protects citizens from unjustified detention, exile, terror, torture, and undue interference in their personal lives not only by the state but also by organized nonstate or antistate forces.