Social aspects of development aid and cooperation Radoslav Mizera Faculty of International Relations
Content Introduction Introduction Definition of human development Definition of human development Poverty as a global problem Poverty as a global problem Social aspects of development aid Social aspects of development aid Conclusions Conclusions
Introduction Keynes – Economic possibilities for our grandchildren (1930) Keynes – Economic possibilities for our grandchildren (1930) Landes – “We live in a world characterized by inequality” Landes – “We live in a world characterized by inequality” Relevance of the topic Relevance of the topic Connection between human development and development aid Connection between human development and development aid
Definition of human development According to Sen (1999) development could be described as “process of extending ones freedoms” According to Sen (1999) development could be described as “process of extending ones freedoms” HDI HDI Correlation between level of income and social indicators Correlation between level of income and social indicators
Poverty as a global problem Historical background Historical background Today’s perspective Today’s perspective How can the differences be measured? How can the differences be measured? Limits to growth and poverty alleviation Limits to growth and poverty alleviation
Social aspects of development aid Human development – development aid Human development – development aid Partial aims of development aid Partial aims of development aid Enhancement of basic freedoms Enhancement of basic freedoms
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