This is a short demonstration of the Cambridge OCR Advanced Sciences website and Planner.
The FREE Cambridge OCR Advanced Sciences website can be accessed by clicking on the website link on the teacher CD-ROM.
The website link loads a Chapter specific web page. A link to the planner is found here. Planner link
The Planner allows you to find relevant resources for each area of the specification. Clickable worksheet list elearning Book page
You can select a specification point to see what resources are available for that particular point.
You see the book page in the central pane with any text not related to the selected specification point greyed out. Any animations are on the left, and a list of worksheets are to be found in the right-hand box.
Where a specification point is relevant to several pages, the next button allows you to scroll between.
When you select a worksheet, it loads in the centre and can be downloaded.
You can click the launch button to see an animation full screen.
A calendar which allows to you to plan your weekly teaching, can be downloaded and saved to your computer or network.
Thank you for viewing our online planner demonstration. To see more of Cambridge OCR Advanced Sciences visit: If you have any enquiries: telephone or If you wish to place an order, contact our customer services dept: telephone or