Lecture 12 Review and Sample Exam Questions Professor Lei He EE 201A, Spring
Partitioning and Clustering Formulations: min-cut, min ratio cut, two-way partition and N-way partitioning Kernighan and Lin Algorithm Fiduccia and Mattheyses Algorithm Simulated annealing algorithm Lawler’s Labeling Algorithm Overview of multi-level partitioning
Floorplanning Stockmeyer algorithm Dynamic programming to decide optimal orientation for slicing floorplanning (i.e., tree for slicing floorplanning is given) Simulated annealing algorithm to find slicing floorplanning Name and explain at least one data structure for non- slicing floorplanning
Placement Simulated Annealing Timberwolf package [JSSC-85, DAC-86] Dragon (multi-level placement) [ICCAD-00] Partitioning-Based Placement Capo [DAC-00] Fengshui [DAC-2001] Analytical Placement Gordian (Multi-level placement) [TCAD-91] FastPlace [ISPD-04] Able to outline Pro’s and Con’s of all above algorithms Able to outline at least two algorithms
Power and Thermal Modeling Power Components Dynamic power (f * s * C * Vdd**2) f: clock frequencyf: clock frequency S: switching possibilityS: switching possibility Short circuit power Leakage power = subthreshold + gate tunneling Power trends Relative significance between power components Which one gains importance in scaled technology and future system Design freedoms to reduce each power component with respect to performance constraints
Power and Thermal Modeling Duality between electrical and thermal Thermal time constant is much bigger Interdependency between leakage and temperature Thermal quantity Unit Electrical quantity Unit P, Heat flow W I, Current flow A T, Temperature K V, Voltage V R th, Thermal Resistance K/W R, Electrical resistance Ω C th, Thermal capacitance J/K C, Electrical capacitance F τ=R th *C th, Thermal RC constant s τ=R*C, Electrical RC constant s
Interconnect Modeling Capacitance characteristics and table based capacitance model Capacitance is a local effect Inductance characteristics and table based inductance model Inductance is a long-range effect Partial inductance (PEEC) is independent of current return path Full RCLM model and normalized RCLM model
Interconnect Delay Model Elmore delay model and Elmore delay calculation for RC tree Definition of moments and overview of moment matching Ceff model Steps of delay analysis for a stage containing a driver and interconnect tree
Circuit Tuning TILOS algorithm 1. Find critical path 2. Calculate sensitivity of each gate/transistor in the path 3. Size up the one with largest sensitivity 4. Goto step 1 Explain why TILOS can achieve good solutions Use the concept and property of posynomial program, convex program Extend TILOS to consider power minimization via dual-Vdd, dual- Vt, dual-tox
Buffer and FF Insertion Analytical solution to buffer insertion for two-pin net Extend to find the FF insertion length for two-pin net * Van Ginneken dynamic programming Extend to consider buffer type, polarity Extend to consider FF insertion* Buffer block planning Key ideas, pro’s and con’s
Noise Aware Routing Design freedoms to alleviate capacitive and inductive crosstalk Figure of merit for crosstalk LSK model Shielding length Multi-level routing
Emerging Technologies Structured ASIC and 3D IC Motivations and advantages CAD implications Sample questions: How to expand partition/floorplan/placement/routing for 3D