An awarding body perspective of the risks arising from the reform agenda
A couple of linked curses… May you live in interesting times….. …………………..may your wishes be granted
By way of an overview… Study Programmes (Sept 13) Reform of Vocational Qualifications (Sept 13 – Sept 16) GCE Reform (Sept 14 – Sept 15) Richard Report (Sept 13 onwards) The Whitehead Review (Complete by Sept 13) KS5 Performance Measures EFA consultation on Level 2 learners
Study programmes and qualification reform Things we wished for…. Greater freedoms in the system Increasing the focus on progression routes Increasing the voice of ‘real’ employers What is wrong with the word vocational What happened to engagement and re- engagement Categories,characteristics, lists….
What next for Apprenticeships? Things we wished for …. Linked to real jobs Providing learner with new skills Supporting progression to higher levels Having a strong employer voice Which employers ? What framework ? What standard? Who assures ?
The Whitehead Review Things we wished for a reduced role for SSC’s review of key operational aspects of the QCF ‘create a vision of how vocational provision for adult learners should meet the skills needs of employers It will develop a clear strategy for achieving that vision’ ‘create a model for what a future system for adult vocational qualifications might look like’
As always….it comes down to measures and funding Funding for programmes of study tightened KS5 Performance measures still awaited EFA/SFA fault line Tecc Bacc
Meanwhile …Ofqual is asking some fundamental questions…. The definition of guided learning hours Review of qualification frameworks and related regulatory requirements What is and what is not a GCSE and GCE…..
So to summarise our risks are … Our whole portfolio has to be redeveloped Our processes will need to change to meet the timeline for publication of lists We are still not sure of important ‘rules of the game’ We do not know how our customers will respond to the challenges they are facing We might be left with the ‘blame’…. There is an election in 2015….